====== Documentation ====== Here are the documents provided by [[http://frictionalgames.com/|Frictional Games]]. ===== Getting started ===== This short **[[:hpl1:getting_started|Getting started document]] ** gives you a step by step guide to installing and setting up everything the first time. ===== Content Creation Document ===== The [[:hpl1:documentation:content_creation_document|HPL-EngineĀ© Content Creation]] contains all the information one needs to create content for the HPL Engine. However, it's a small book so to make the best of it look things up when you need it and do not attempt to read if from start to end in one go. ===== Script Reference ===== The [[:hpl1:documentation:script_reference|Script Reference document]] document contains all the scripts you can use. ===== Particle editor document ===== [[:hpl1:documentation:particle_editor_document|HPL Particle Editor]], everything you need to know to be able to create amazing particles using the HPL Particle Editor.