====== Getting started document ======
This stuff is old, mainly all 3D editing needs to be done in an editor version release at the time of the games creation in 2006/2007 and same goes for the Collada plugins. It will not work with modern releases.
===== What you need =====
- [[http://www.penumbragame.com/|Penumbra: Overture]]
- [[https://fricpub.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/hpl1/mod_tools.zip|Download The Tools]]
- [[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en|Download .NET]] 1.1 and 2.0 should both work fine.
- You will need COLLADA for your 3D editor. [[https://fricpub.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/hpl1/colladamaya_088.zip|Get Maya here]] and [[https://fricpub.s3.amazonaws.com/tools/hpl1/colladamax_106.zip|3DS Max here]].
- A 3D editor like Maya, 3D Studio or Blender.
===== Setup =====
- Install Penumbra
- Extract the tools archive and place the files directly in the "penumbra install directory/redist", you should have the following .exe in the redist folder % * HplHelper.exe
* HudObjectEditor.exe
* ModelViewer.exe
* ParticleEditor.exe
* ParticleViewer.exe
* SceneViewer.exe
- Install .NET
- Install COLLADA for your 3D editor % * Make sure your editor is set to unit = meter
* make sure COLLADA is set to "export polygons as triangles" under export settings
===== Taking your first baby steps =====
- Briefly read through the [[:hpl1:documentation:start|Documentation]], mainly the [[:hpl1:documentation:content_creation_document|HPL-EngineĀ© Content Creation]]
- Use the [[:hpl1:tutorials:start|Tutorials]] to get the basic skills
- Make your first level, make it really simple and create a basic scenario based on what you learned in the [[:hpl1:tutorials:start|Tutorials]]
- Look at the Penumbra levels, objects and scripts for reference, use the documentation as a lexicon and you should be OK.