===== Menu - Config - Amnesia ===== === General === ^TextDuration_StartTime |Text duration start time | ^TextDuration_MinTime |Text duration minimal time | ^TextDuration_CharTime |Text duration character time | === Main === ^MainFadeInTime |Fade-in time | ^MainFadeOutTimeFast |Fade-out time when fast | ^MainFadeOutTimeSlow |Fade-out time when slow | ^TopMenuFadeInTime |Main menu fade-in time | ^TopMenuFadeOutTime |Main menu fade-out time | ^TopMenuFontRelativeSize |Main menu font size | ^TopMenuStartRelativePos |Main menu relative position | ^TopMenuStartRelativePosInGame |Main menu relative position in game | ^TopMenuFont |Main menu font | ^MainMenuLogoStartRelativePos |Main menu logo start relative position | ^MainMenuLogoRelativeSize |Main menu logo relative size | ^BGScene |File of background scene | ^BGCamera_FOV |Background camera start face-of-view | ^BGCamera_ZoomedFOV |Background camera zoomed face-of-view | ^ZoomSound |Sound of zooming | ^Music |Music that will be play in main menu | === Options === ^ShowCommentary |Commentary-mod setting | === Credits === ^NormalFont |Main text font name | ^HeaderFont |Header font name | ^NormalFontSize |Main text font size | ^HeaderFontSize |Header font size | ^TheEndFontSize |"The End" text font size | ^ScrollSpeed |Speed of scroll | ^FadeSpeed |Speed of fade | === Profiles === ^WindowSize |Profiles window size | ^InformationWidth |Information width | ^ListFontSize |List font size | ^EnterNameWindowSize |Enter name window size | ^EnterNameButtonLength |Enter name button length | === Inventory === ^FadeInTime |Inv fade-in time | ^FadeOutTime |Inv fade-out time | ^DefaultFont |Inv default font | ^HeaderFont |Inv Header font | ^PopUpMessageCenter |Inv pop-up messages center | ^SlotImage |Inv slot image | ^SlotColor |Inv slot color | ^SlotSize |Inv slot size | ^SlotMouseOverImage |Inv slot mouse over image | ^SlotMouseOverColor |Inv slot mouse over color | ^SlotMouseOverOffset |Inv slot mouse over offset | ^SlotPulsatingMin |Inv slot pulsating minimal | ^SlotPulsatingAmp |Inv slot pulsating amplitude | ^SlotPulsatingFreq |Inv pulsating frequency | ^SlotsRows |Inv slots rows | ^SlotsColumns |Inv slots columns | ^SlotsStart |Inv slots start | ^SlotsSeparation |Inv slots separation | ^SlotsGridColor |Inv slots grid color | ^SlotsDrawGrid |Inv slots draw grid | ^SlotsDrawFrame |Inv slots draw frame | ^SlotsFrameSize |Inv slots frame size | ^SlotsFrameHPadding |Inv slots frame horizontal-padding | ^SlotsFrameVPadding |Inv slots frame vertical-padding | ^SlotsFrameOffset |Inv slots frame offset | ^SlotsGridHExtension |Inv slots grid horizontal-extension | ^SlotsGridVExtension |Inv slots grid vertical-extension | ^SlotsGridOffset |Inv slots grid offset| ^HealthCenter |Inv health center | ^HealthLabelCenter |Inv health label center | ^HealthFrameSize |Inv health grame size | ^HealthFrameHPadding |Inv health frame horizontal-padding | ^HealthFrameVPadding |Inv health frame vertical-padding | ^HealthFrameOffset |Inv health frame offset | ^SanityCenter |Inv sanity center | ^SanityLabelCenter |Inv sanity label center | ^SanityFrameSize |Inv sanity frame size | ^SanityFrameHPadding |Inv sanity frame horizontal-padding | ^SanityFrameVPadding |Inv frame vertical-padding | ^SanityFrameOffset |Inv sanity frame offset | ^TinderboxesCenter |Inv tinderboxes center | ^TinderboxesLabelCenter |Inv tinderboxes label center | ^TinderboxesFrameSize |Inv tinderboxes frame size | ^TinderboxesFrameHPadding |Inv tinderboxes frame horizontal-padding | ^TinderboxesFrameVPadding |Inv tinderboxes frame vertical-padding | ^TinderboxesFrameOffset |Inv tinderboxes frame offset | ^OilCenter |Inv oil center | ^OilLabelCenter |Inv oil label center | ^OilFrameSize |Inv oil frame size | ^OilFrameHPadding |Inv oil frame horizontal-padding | ^OilFrameVPadding |Inv oil frame vertical-padding | ^OilFrameOffset |Inv oil frame offset | ^JournalCenter |Inv journal center | ^JournalLabelCenter |Inv journal label center | ^JournalFrameSize |Inv journal frame size | ^JournalFrameHPadding |Inv journal frame horizontal-padding | ^JournalFrameVPadding |Inv journal frame vertical-padding | ^JournalFrameOffset |Inv journal frame offset | ^ItemHeaderCenter |Inv item-header center | ^ItemDescCenter |Inv item-description center | ^ItemTextFrameSize |Inv item-text frame size | ^ItemTextFrameHPadding |Inv item-text frame horizontal-padding | ^ItemTextFrameVPadding |Inv item-text frame vertical-padding | ^ItemTextFrameOffset |Inv item-text frame offset | ^ItemDescTextWidth |Inv item-desc text width | ^ItemCountOffset |Inv item-count offset | ^FontSize_ItemCount |Inv font-size of item-count | ^FontSize_Label |Inv font-size of label | ^FontSize_Header |Inv font-size of header | ^FontSize_Description |Inv font-size of description | ^FontSize_Message |Inv font-size of message | === CompletionCounter === ^DefaultFont |Default font of comletion counter | === Messages === ^QuestAddedIcon |Icon that will be shown when new quest will be added | ^QuestAddedSound |Sound of quest-addition | ^GameMessageFontSize |Message font size | === Hints === ^DefaultFont |Default hints font | ^YPos |Hints y-position | ^FontSize |Hints font size | ^TextDurationMul |Hints text duration | === Journal === ^DefaultFont |Default journal font | ^MenuFont |Journal menu font | ^NoteTextWidth |Note text width | ^NoteMaxPageRows |Note max page rows | ^NoteFontSize |Note font size | ^NoteRowDist |Note row distantion | ^NoteHeaderFontSize |Note header font size | ^NoteTextStartY |Note text start y-position | === LoadScreen === ^DefaultFont |Default font in loading screen | ^LoadingFontSize |Loading text size | ^TextFontSize |Loading text size | ^LoadingY |Loading text y-position | ^TextWithImageY |Text with image y-position | ^TextAloneY |Loading text y-position(without image) | ^ImageY |Image y-position | ^TextMaxWidth |Max text width | ^FadeOutTime |Screen fade-out time | ^TextDurationMul |Text duration | //