====== StaticObject EditMode ====== Static Objects are one of the pillars of level building in the LevelEditor. An actual complete map file share in static objects is around 80%. A proper set of pieces will allow you to create all sorts of rooms and ambients. The creation window is a bit more complex than the ones we have seen previously. In detail, its composed of: * The Set picker: this ComboBox is used to select the current piece set. Sets should map to directories under the static_objects directory in redist. * The Object picker: this ListBox will show all objects inside the set picked previously. Category headers will show grayed out. Clicking on an entry will select a static object file to be used in following placements. * Thumbnail: shows a little picture so you can see how the object looks like. * BB Size: size of the objects bounding box (when scale is (1,1,1)) * Polygon count: number of triangles of the object model. * Scale settings: this sets the scale for the object on creation. Can be set to a fixed or a random value, the latter defined by a range given by both scale inputs, min and max. * Rotation settings: this sets the rotation for the object on creation. Can be set to a fixed or a random value, the latter defined by a range given by both rotate inputs, min and max. More on Static Objects [[:hpl2:tools:editors:level_editor:static_objects|here]].