====== Incremental Running ====== This code will allow the player to run faster over time until he stops. Add all this code to your script file: // SPRINT { void AutoSprintInit () { AddTimer ( EMPTY, 1.0, "AutoSprintCheck" ); } void AutoSprintCheck ( string &in asTimer ) { float pSpeed = GetPlayerSpeed(); if ( pSpeed < 3.7f ) { AutoSprintNormalize(); } if ( pSpeed >= 3.8f ) { AutoSprintIncrease( pSpeed ); } AddTimer ( EMPTY, 1.0, "AutoSprintCheck" ); } void AutoSprintIncrease ( float pSpeed ) { float fBonus = pSpeed * 0.4; float fBonusMax = 3; if ( fBonus > fBonusMax ) { fBonus = fBonusMax; } SetPlayerRunSpeedMul( fBonus ); } void AutoSprintNormalize () { SetPlayerRunSpeedMul( 1.0 ); } // } SPRINT Then add this line to your OnStart() AutoSprintInit(); Try your map and start running. Amn.-