====== How to add Custom Sounds? ======
Hello! Stepper321 (And friends) here, i'm gonna teach you how to add custom sounds!
===== Having the sounds =====
First you'll need a sound-editting program, you can do this by using [[http://www.erightsoft.com/S6Kg1.html|SUPER]] (Recommended) [[http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/|Audacity]] or [[http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/download/trials/vegaspro|Sony Vegas]] (Not free)
The sounds need to be in **.ogg ** format, If your soundfiles are formatted as **.MP3**, **.WAV** or anything else, you may use one of the said above programs to convert your soundfile of choice to an **//.// ogg** file format.
For my example, my script file is called **tutorial.txt**, and the sound is **door.ogg**.
===== Placing the sounds in the right folder =====
You need to go to your custom story folder and create a new folder called: “sounds” and in that folder an: “extrasounds” folder. In there you place the tutorial.ogg file.\\
(**You can name it what ever you want.**)
===== Making the sound work in Amnesia =====
Create a **.txt** file and name it the name of your sound's Script, open it with any Text Editor you use. I use [[http://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/third_party_tools/text/notepad?s[]=notepad|Notepad++]]. I named my file __**tutorial**__**.txt**.
In the file, you can edit quite a few things, and among them is..//Adding your sound-file into the script!// And since my sound file is __**door**__**.ogg**, It shall go to the **MAIN** section. Random soundfiles will be covered later on.
Maybe you're asking, what the hell is all of this? I will explain :
<**SOUNDENTITY** > is the start of the sound file to know what it will play, it can only have one. (Like the extra_english file you have normally in your Custom Story :))
<**SOUNDS** > is the sound what it will play
<**Main** > is the main sound it will play, i don't know if there exist other categories for that. But use it
<**Sound File** =" //YourFileName//.ogg" /> is the sound file it will play, if you add multiple sound files, it will play the sounds randomly.
<**PROPERTIES** > Are all the options you may use to decide how the sound will behave in-game, like **MinDistance** is what distance you have to be in to hear it, since 1 is the players exact size, You will hear the sound perfectly if you stand on it. Beyond that, you will be able to hear the sound until the distance specified in **MaxDistance**, I don't know exactly but I think that "1" distance is a meter, excuse me if i'm wrong :). (Probably an inch, a person 1 meter in width? **Needs to be confirmed**)
Well thats it! You now created your very own sound! Use it with PlaySoundAtEntity(syntax) in your custom level-script; (check [[http://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/amnesia/script_functions|Engine scripts]] to know what syntax to use)
====== Custom Music ======
Custom musics are exactly the same steps as the custom sounds. But you won't need an .snt file created as long as you do it with PlayMusic(syntax); or at the credits.
Prepare your .ogg file with the same steps as the Custom Sounds.
Create a new folder called "music" and in the 'music' folder one that's called "extramusic" put it in there. (**Again, you may name it whatevas you want**)
Now use **PlayMusic** (Syntex); (check [[http://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/amnesia/script_functions|Engine scripts]] to know what syntax to use)
Now maybe you're thinking that you could use this **like** a sound effect? Well ; [[http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/262/501/be7.gif|NOPE]]. Music has only two "layers" (Priorities). 0 and 1. I.E: only**one can play at once.**
If 1 **is //__not__ // specified**, track 0 will play. If 1**//__is__ // specified**, ONLY "1" will play.\\
(You can use that to suddenly or smoothly fade-stop a track in it's place, initiate a different track for your scene, and than resume the previous track. Pretty much what happens when a grunt chases you; only that is automatic!)
Send suggestions for tutorials to my forum account by Personal Messaging me at this link: [[http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/user-17976.html|Stepper321's personal forum account]].\\
(Everything is in good will, Stepper, your guide was quite incoherent. Cheers for the initiative ~Yer wiki-friends.)