=====cLuxMap===== ====Fields==== cLuxMap has no public fields. ====Functions==== ^ Return Type ^ Function Name ^ Parameters ^ Description ^ | [[cWorld]]@ | GetWorld | | | | [[iPhysicsWorld]]@ | GetPhysicsWorld | | | | const [[tString]]& | GetName | | | | const [[tString]]& | GetFileName | | | | void | Update | float afTimeStep | | | void | PostUpdate | float afTimeStep | | | void | VariableUpdate | float afDeltaTime | | | bool | GetIsUnderwater | | | | void | SetIsUnderwater | bool abX | | | void | SetDisplayNameEntry | const [[tString]] &in asEntry | | | const [[tString]]& | GetDisplayNameEntry | | | | float | GetMaxInteractDistance | | | | void | SetMaxInteractDistance | float afX | | | void | CreateEntity | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ const [[tString]] &in asFile, \\ const [[cMatrixf]] &in a_mtxTransform, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avScale | | | bool | DestroyEntity | [[iLuxEntity]]@ apEntity | | | bool | EntityWasDestroyed | | | | bool | EntityExists | [[iLuxEntity]]@ apEntity | | | [[iLuxEntity]]@ | GetEntityByName | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ //[[eLuxEntityType]] aType = eLuxEntityType_LastEnum//, \\ //const [[tString]] &in asClassName = ""// | | | [[iLuxEntity]]@ | GetEntityByID | [[tID]] alID, \\ //[[eLuxEntityType]] aType = eLuxEntityType_LastEnum//, \\ //const [[tString]] &in asClassName = ""// | | | [[tID]] | GetEntityIDByName | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ //[[eLuxEntityType]] aType = eLuxEntityType_LastEnum//, \\ //const [[tString]] &in asClassName = ""// | | | [[iLuxEntity]]@ | GetLatestEntity | | | | void | ResetLatestEntity | | | | bool | GetEntityArray | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ [[eLuxEntityType]] aType, \\ const [[tString]] &in asClassName, \\ avOutEntities | | | bool | GetEntityArrayID | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ [[eLuxEntityType]] aType, \\ const [[tString]] &in asClassName, \\ avOutEntities | | | void | SetVoiceSource | const [[tString]]& asCharacter, \\ const [[tString]]& asEntityName, \\ float afMinDistance, \\ float afMaxDistance, \\ bool abUse3D, \\ float afMaxPlayerListeningRange, \\ float 22000, \\ float 22000, \\ uint 0 | | | [[iLuxEntity]]@ | GetVoiceSourceEntity | const [[tString]]& asCharacter | | | [[iLuxEntity]]@ | GetPlayerEntity | | | | void | AddTimer | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ float afTime, \\ const [[tString]] &in asFunction | | | void | RemoveTimer | const [[tString]] &in asName | | | float | GetTimerTime | const [[tString]] &in asName | | | void | SetTimerPaused | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ bool abX | | | bool | GetTimersNamed | const [[tString]] &in asPattern, \\ avOutNames | | | void | SetTimerUserVarFloat | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ float afX | | | void | SetTimerUserVarInt | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ int alX | | | void | SetTimerUserVarString | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ const [[tString]] &in asX | | | float | GetTimerUserVarFloat | const [[tString]] &in asName | | | int | GetTimerUserVarInt | const [[tString]] &in asName | | | const [[tString]]& | GetTimerUserVarString | const [[tString]] &in asName | | | float | IncTimerUserVarFloat | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ float afX | | | int | IncTimerUserVarInt | const [[tString]] &in asName, \\ int alX | | | void | RestartCurrentTimer | //float afNewTime = -1// | | | void | AddEntityComponent | [[iLuxEntityComponent]]@ apComp | | | void | RemoveEntityComponent | [[iLuxEntityComponent]]@ apComp | | | [[iLuxEntityComponent]]@ | GetEntityComponent | [[eLuxEntityComponentType]] aType, \\ const [[tString]] &in asName | | | [[cLuxEntityComponentIterator]]@ | GetEntityComponentIterator | [[eLuxEntityComponentType]] aType | | | void | PlacePlayerAtStartPos | const [[tString]] &in asName | | | int | GetTimeStamp | | | | float | GetElapsedTime | int alTimeStamp | | | bool | IsActive | | | | void | SetActive | bool abX | | | void | AddDissolveEntity | [[cMeshEntity]]@ apMeshEntity, \\ float afTime | | | bool | IsDeletingAllWorldEntities | | | | void | BroadcastSoundHeardEvent | const [[tString]]& asName, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avPosition, \\ float afRadius, \\ int alPrio, \\ //bool abPhysicsObject = false// | | | bool | ScriptPrepare | const [[tString]] &in asMethod | | | bool | ScriptPrepareFast | const [[tString]] &in asMethod, \\ int alId | | | bool | ScriptExecute | | | | bool | ScriptMethodExists | const [[tString]] &in asMethod | | | bool | ScriptMethodExistsFast | const [[tString]] &in asMethod, \\ int alId | | | void | SetArgBool | int alArgNum, \\ bool abVal | | | void | SetArgInt | int alArg, \\ int alX | | | void | SetArgFloat | int alArg, \\ float afX | | | void | SetArgString | int alArg, \\ const [[tString]]& asStr | | | void | SetArgVector2f | int alArg, \\ const [[cVector2f]]& avX | | | void | SetArgVector3f | int alArg, \\ const [[cVector3f]]& avX | | | void | SetArgVector2l | int alArg, \\ const [[cVector2l]]& avX | | | void | SetArgVector3l | int alArg, \\ const [[cVector3l]]& avX | | | bool | GetReturnBool | | | | int | GetReturnInt | | | | float | GetReturnFloat | | | | [[tString]] | GetReturnString | | | | void | CheckLineOfSight | const [[tString]] &in asCallbackFunc, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avStart, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avEnd, \\ bool abCheckOnlyShadowCasters, \\ bool abCheckOnlyStatic | | | void | GetClosestEntity | const [[tString]] &in asCallbackFunc, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avStart, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avDir, \\ float afRayLength, \\ int alInteractType, \\ bool abCheckLineOfSight | | | void | GetClosestBody | const [[tString]] &in asCallbackFunc, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avStart, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avDir, \\ float afRayLength | | | void | GetClosestCharCollider | const [[tString]] &in asCallbackFunc, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avStart, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avDir, \\ float afRayLength, \\ bool abCheckDynamic | | | void | GetLightLevelAtPos | const [[tString]] &in asCallbackFunc, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avPos, \\ [[iLight]]@ apSkipLight, \\ float afRadiusAdd | | | uint | GetCollideFlag | const [[tString]] &in asGroupName | | | void | SetPlayerTerrainCollision | bool abX | | | bool | GetPlayerTerrainCollision | | | | void | PreloadParticleSystem | const [[tString]]& asFile | | | void | PreloadEntity | const [[tString]] &in asFile | | | void | PreloadMaterial | const [[tString]] &in asFile | | | void | PreloadGuiGfx | const [[tString]] &in asFile, \\ [[eImGuiGfx]] aType | | ====Remarks==== Have some helpful descriptions to add to this class? Edit this page and add your insight to the Wiki!