=====cProcAnimationTrack===== ====Fields==== cProcAnimationTrack has no public fields. ====Functions==== ^ Return Type ^ Function Name ^ Parameters ^ Description ^ | int | GetEntityIndex | | | | void | SetType | [[eProcAnimType]] aType | | | void | SetAxes | uint alAxisFlags | | | void | SetOffsetMin | float afX | | | void | SetOffsetMax | float afX | | | void | SetReverseMotion | bool abX | | | void | SetEasing | [[eEasing]] aFunc | | | void | SetCycles | int alX | | | void | SetNoiseAmount | float afX | | | void | SetNoiseFreq | int alX | | | void | SetApplyNoiseBefore | bool abX | | | [[eProcAnimType]] | GetType | | | | uint | GetAxes | | | | float | GetOffsetMin | | | | float | GetOffsetMax | | | | bool | GetReverseMotion | | | | [[eEasing]] | GetEasing | | | | int | GetCycles | int alX | | | int | GetNoiseAmount | | | | float | GetNoiseFreq | | | | bool | GetApplyNoiseBefore | | | ====Remarks==== Have some helpful descriptions to add to this class? Edit this page and add your insight to the Wiki!