=====cVector2f===== ====Fields==== ^ Field Name ^ Type ^ Description ^ | x | float | The x value of the vector. | | y | float | The y value of the vector. | ====Functions==== ^ Return Type ^ Function Name ^ Parameters ^ Description ^ | float | GetElement | uint64 alIdx, \\ const | Gets the value at the given index. (Indices 0 and 1 are equal to x and y, respectively.) | | void | SetElement | uint64 alIdx, \\ float afVal, \\ const | Sets the value at the given index to the given value. (Indices 0 and 1 are equal to x and y, respectively.) | | float | SqrLength | const | Returns the length-squared of this vector. | | float | Length | const | Returns the length of this vector. | | float | Normalize | | Returns the normalization factor for this vector. (See Remarks.) | ====Remarks==== A normalized vector is a vector whose length is equal to one, otherwise known as a unit vector. To convert a vector into a unit vector, get the normalization factor by calling the ''Normalize'' function, then divide each of the vector's x and y coordinates by that factor. cVector2f vBaseVector(2.0, 5.0); float fNormFactor = vBaseVector.Normalize(); cVector2f vNormalizedVector(vBaseVector.x / fNormFactor, vBaseVector.y / fNormFactor);