====== Readables ====== This doc details the options for letting the user read text on various prop types. ===== Readable Props ===== Prop_Readables have been extended. They now support rotation (through mouse, or right-stick, or d-pad), and (only) two text entries, one for the front and one for the back. If you rotate to the appropriate side and a text entry is available for it, a prompt is shown (press interact to read) and the player can press to see the text. The displayed text, if it's too long, is given a scroll bar which can be navigated using the gamepad or mouse scroll. ===== Zoom Areas ===== Zoom areas support the same kind of reposition-and-zoom as terminals do. They're used to let the player zoom in on a (readable) object that's in the level so that they can see more detail and optionally pop up text (gamepad A or keyboard T again). ===== Datapads ===== These are just handheld terminals the player picks up (based on Patrik's camera terminal) which can have full OnGUI methods written for them. So they can show off anything. ===== Implementation ===== All (except Datapads) make use of the file utilities/Utility_Readables.hps for displaying the text and the hints. Hints are turned off by turning off the global hint system in the Gameplay menu.