====== Map Effects ====== **Helper function prefix:** Map_ The Map Effects module handles a variety of different helpers for the map's effects, including fog and environment particles. It also manages collections of environmental presets to fade between, so you can transition a map's appearance from one state to another. ===== Important Functions ===== ==== Map_FadeFogStart ==== Fade the map-wide fog start value to a new value. ==== Map_FadeFogEnd ==== Fade the map-wide fog end value to a new value. ==== Map_FadeFogColor ==== Fade the map-wide fog color to a new color. ==== Map_FadeFogFalloffExp ==== Fade the map-wide fog falloff to a new value. ==== Map_FadeEnvironmentParticleWindVelocity ==== Fade the velocity of the environment particles to a new value. ==== Map_FadeEnvironmentParticleColor ==== Fade the color of the environment particles to a new value. ==== Map_FadeEnvironmentParticleBrightness ==== Fade the brightness of the environment particles to a new value. ==== Map_Preset_SetupFog ==== Specify a fog setup for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_SetupSecondaryFog ==== Specify a secondary fog setup for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_SetupDepthOfField ==== Specify a DoF setup for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_SetupBloom ==== Specify a bloom setup for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_SetupDirLight ==== Specify a direction light setup for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_SetupToneMapping ==== Specify a tone mapping setup for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_SetupColorGrading ==== Specify a color grading setup for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_SetupSkybox ==== Specify a skybox for a preset. ==== Map_Preset_Fade ==== Fade the map to a particular set of presets.