====== Player Hands ====== **Helper function prefix:** PlayerHands_ The Player Hands module implements all the animations that the first-person player hands take in game. It also allows binding the camera to a socket on the player hands animation for custom 'cut-scene'-like moments, such as climbing out of the dome in Upsilon. ===== Important Functions ===== ==== PlayerHands_SetHandModel ==== Sets the entity to use for the player hands. ==== PlayerHands_PlayAnimation ==== Plays an animation on the player hands entity. ==== PlayerHands_SetActive ==== Toggles the player hands model active. ==== PlayerHands_SetCustomRotationFromEntity ==== Aligns the player hands to a particular entity. ==== PlayerHands_SetCustomPositionFromEntity ==== Aligns the player hands to a particular entity. ==== PlayerHands_AttachCameraToSocket ==== Attaches the player's viewpoint to the socket called 'camera' in the current hand animation e.g. see the 'struggle free of coral' event at the start of the Theta tunnels. ==== PlayerHands_DetachCameraFromSocket ==== Detach the player's viewpoint from the animation. ==== PlayerHands_SetAnimationOverCallback ==== Specify a callback function to be called when the player hand animation is complete. ==== PlayerHands_SetVisible ==== Toggle the hand entity visibility.