====== URL Protocol ======
An URL protocol is a way to link to a application from a webpage. We have support for this in both Depth and the ModelViewer. It can be used to give links to entities or map positions when giving feedback.
===== Installation =====
Download the [[https://mega.co.nz/#!8VVghBzK!TW5Iqw_-Nh3icFpRdTjjEQRHNicTbHKZ846RBTVrKKE|.bat file]] and place it in depth/redist/ folder and run it. This will link the protocol to the correct directory and files.
===== ModelViewer =====
To link directly to a mesh or entity you can use the following URL:
The supported file types are .dae, .ent and some .dae_anim files.
It is also possible to open a model file and make it play an animation. To do this use the following syntax
modelview:filename.dae filepath\animation_filename.dae_anim
Ex) modelview:professor.dae entites\characters\urban\professor\animations\idle.dae_anim
===== Depth =====
To link to a map file you can use the following URL
You can also add any other of the [[:hpl3:game:commandline|command lines ]]after the url
===== Google Docs =====
Google Docs does not support URLs that do not link to webpages. To get around this you can use a URL shortener and add that as the URL to the document.
Just paste the protocol url and press Shorten!