====== Preferences window ====== ===== General ===== {{ :hpl3:tools:maineditors:level_editor:window_preferences_general.png?nolink&300 |}} * **Resolution**: sets the size of the main editor window. Needs restart. * **Max undo steps**: modifies the number of steps that can be undone/redone in a session. * **BG color**: changes the color of the viewport background. * **Disabled entity coverage**: determines how "transparent" a mesh becomes when disabled (only for entities) ===== Performance ===== {{ :hpl3:tools:maineditors:level_editor:window_preferences_performance.png?nolink&300 |}} * **Texture quality**: changes the quality for the texture mapping on objects. Possible values are: high, medium, low, very low. Needs restart * **Lights active**: turns off all ligths in the scene, except for the edition helper ones (ambient and point) * **Particle systems active**: turns off all particle systems in the scene. * **SSAO active**: toggles showing of SSAO. * Undergrowth * **Show undergrowth**: toggles showing of undergrowth on terrain. The undergrowth will still be there, just not shown. * **Custom undergrowth fade start**: sets a custom range for the terrain undergrowth to show. * **Show skybox**: toggles showing of skybox. * **Show fog**: toggles showing of the global fog. * **Continuous rendering**: sets if the viewports should be refreshed continuously or only when needed.