Table of Contents



cLuxStateMachine has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
iLuxEntity@ GetEntity
eLuxEntityComponentType GetType
void AddState const tString &in asName,
int alId
void AddSubState const tString &in asName,
int alId
void ChangeState int alState
void ChangeSubState int alState
int GetNextState
int GetPrevState
int GetNextSubState
int GetPrevSubState
int GetCurrentState
int GetCurrentSubState
void AddTimer uint64 alId,
float afTime
void StopTimer uint64 alId
bool TimerExists uint64 alId
void AddTimer const tString& asId,
float afTime
void StopTimer const tString& asId
bool TimerExists const tString& asId
cLuxEntityMessageData@ GetCurrentMessageData


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