Table of Contents



cSoundEntry has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
const tString& GetName
eSoundEntryType GetType
int GetId
eSoundEntryDataType GetDataType
bool IsFirstTime
void SetBlockable bool abX
void SetBlockVolumeMul float afX
void SetPosition const cVector3f &in avPosition
void SetVelocity const cVector3f &in avVelocity
const cVector3f& GetPosition
void SetPostionIsHeadRelative bool abX
bool GetPostionIsHeadRelative
bool IsPlaying
float GetElapsedTime
void SetElapsedTime float afTime
float GetTotalTime
float GetAudibility
void SetParam const tString& asName,
float afValue
void SetParam int alIdx,
float afValue
int GetParamNum
float GetParamValue int alIdx
float GetParamMin int alIdx
float GetParamMax int alIdx
const tString& GetParamName int alIdx
void SetPaused bool abX
void SetVolume float afX
void SetSpeed float afX
bool GetPaused
float GetVolume
float GetSpeed
float GetVolumeMul
float GetSpeedMul
float GetMinDistance
float GetMaxDistance
void SetReverbActive bool abX
bool GetReverbActive
void SetReverbAmount float afX
float GetReverbAmount
void SetSpeakerSpread float afX
float GetSpeakerSpread
bool IsPriorityReleased
bool Is3D
bool IsOneShot
bool IsVirtual
void Stop bool abPlayEnd
void SetVolumeMul float afMul
void SetSpeedMul float afMul
void FadeVolumeMulTo float afDestMul,
float afSpeed
void FadeSpeedMulTo float afDestMul,
float afSpeed
void FadeOut float afSpeed
void FadeIn float afVolumeMul,
float afSpeed
void SetStopDisabled bool abX
bool GetStopDisabled


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