Table of Contents



cXmlElement has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
const tString& GetValue
void SetValue const tString &in asValue
eXmlNodeType GetType
iXmlNode@ GetParent
cXmlElement@ ToElement
cXmlElement@ GetFirstElement
cXmlElement@ GetFirstElement const tString &in asName
cXmlElement@ CreateChildElement const tString &in asName
cXmlText@ ToText
cXmlText@ GetFirstText
cXmlText@ GetFirstText const tString &in asText
cXmlText@ CreateChildText const tString &in asText
cXmlNodeListIterator@ GetChildIterator
tString GetAttributeString const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asDefault
float GetAttributeFloat const tString &in asName,
float afDefault
int GetAttributeInt const tString &in asName,
int alDefault
bool GetAttributeBool const tString &in asName,
bool abDefault
cVector2f GetAttributeVector2f const tString &in asName,
const cVector2f &in avDefault
cVector3f GetAttributeVector3f const tString &in asName,
const cVector3f &in avDefault
cColor GetAttributeColor const tString &in asName,
const cColor &in aDefault
void SetAttributeString const tString &in asName,
const tString &in asVal
void SetAttributeFloat const tString &in asName,
float afVal
void SetAttributeInt const tString &in asName,
int alVal
void SetAttributeBool const tString &in asName,
bool abVal
void SetAttributeVector2f const tString &in asName,
const cVector2f &in avVal
void SetAttributeVector3f const tString &in asName,
const cVector3f &in avVal
void SetAttributeColor const tString &in asName,
const cColor &in aVal


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