Table of Contents



iPhysicsJoint has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
const tString& GetName
int GetUniqueID
iPhysicsBody@ GetParentBody
iPhysicsBody@ GetChildBody
void RemoveBody iPhysicsBody@ apBody
const cVector3f& GetPivotPoint
const cVector3f& GetPinDir
ePhysicsJointType GetType
void SetCollideBodies bool abX
bool GetCollideBodies
void SetStiffness float afX
float GetStiffness
cVector3f GetVelocity
cVector3f GetAngularVelocity
float GetForceSize
float GetDistance
float GetAngle
void SetBreakable bool abX
bool IsBreakable
void SetLimitAutoSleep bool abX
bool GetLimitAutoSleep
void SetStickyMinLimit bool abX
void SetStickyMaxLimit bool abX
bool GetStickyMinLimit
bool GetStickyMaxLimit
void Break
bool IsBroken
void SetMoveSound tString &in asName
void SetMoveSpeedType ePhysicsJointSpeed aType
void SetMinMoveSpeed float afX
void SetAllowPositionReset bool abX
bool GetAllowPositionReset
void SetMinLimitSound const tString &in asSound,
float afMinSpeed
void SetMaxLimitSound const tString &in asSound,
float afMinSpeed


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