Lights are used to light up the environment, and also to create the right mood for a level.
Active: if the flickering for this light should be off or not.
On Min Time / On Max Time: time the light will be on will be picked everytime at random inside this range.
On Sound: sound that will be played when the light turns on.
On PS: particle system that will be spawned when the light turns on.
Off Min Time / On Max Time: time the light will be off, will be picked everytime at random inside this range.
Off Sound: sound that will be played when the light turns off.
Off PS: particle system that will be spawned when the light turns on.
Off Radius: radius the light will use when turned off.
Off Color: diffuse color the light will use when turned off.
Fade Active: if fading should be used.
Fade On Min Time / On Max Time: how long the light should be fading from off to on, randomly picked.
Fade Off Min Time / Off Max Time: how long the light should be fading from on to off, randomly picked.
Specific description and parameters for each type are next.