=====eGraphicCaps===== ====Values==== ^ Enum Name ^ Integer Value ^ Description ^ | eGraphicCaps_TextureTargetRectangle | 0 | | | eGraphicCaps_VertexBufferObject | 1 | | | eGraphicCaps_TwoSideStencil | 2 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxTextureImageUnits | 3 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxTextureCoordUnits | 4 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxUserClipPlanes | 5 | | | eGraphicCaps_AnisotropicFiltering | 8 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxAnisotropicFiltering | 9 | | | eGraphicCaps_Multisampling | 10 | | | eGraphicCaps_TextureCompression | 11 | | | eGraphicCaps_TextureCompression_DXTC | 12 | | | eGraphicCaps_TextureCompression_3DC | 13 | | | eGraphicCaps_GeometryInstancing | 15 | | | eGraphicCaps_AutoGenerateMipMaps | 16 | | | eGraphicCaps_RenderToTexture | 17 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxDrawBuffers | 18 | | | eGraphicCaps_PackedDepthStencil | 19 | | | eGraphicCaps_TextureFloat | 20 | | | eGraphicCaps_PolygonOffset | 21 | | | eGraphicCaps_ShaderModel_2 | 22 | | | eGraphicCaps_ShaderModel_3 | 23 | | | eGraphicCaps_ShaderModel_4 | 24 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxShaderUniform_Vertex | 25 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxShaderUniform_Fragment | 26 | | | eGraphicCaps_OGL_ATIFragmentShader | 27 | | | eGraphicCaps_MaxColorRenderTargets | 28 | | | eGraphicCaps_LastEnum | 33 | | ====Remarks==== Have some helpful descriptions to add to this class? Edit this page and add your insight to the Wiki!