=====iScrMoveState_Interface===== ====Fields==== iScrMoveState_Interface has no public fields. ====Functions==== ^ Return Type ^ Function Name ^ Parameters ^ Description ^ | [[cLuxMoveState]]@ | GetBase | | | | void | CharBody_GravityCollide | [[iCharacterBody]]@ apCharBody, \\ [[iPhysicsBody]]@ apBody, \\ [[cCollideData]]@ apCollideData | | | void | CharBody_HitGround | [[iCharacterBody]]@ apCharBody, \\ const [[cVector3f]] &in avVel | | | void | OnMapEnter | [[cLuxMap]]@ apMap | | | void | OnEnterState | int alPrevStateId | | | void | OnLeaveState | int alNextStateId | | | void | Reset | | | | void | Update | float afTimeStep | | | bool | OnAction | int alAction, \\ bool abPressed | | | bool | OnAnalogInput | int alAnalogId, \\ const avAmount | | | float | DrawDebugOutput | [[cGuiSet]]@ apSet, \\ [[iFontData]] apFont, \\ float afStartY | | ====Remarks==== Have some helpful descriptions to add to this class? Edit this page and add your insight to the Wiki!