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[Add-on] Blender to HPL3


To Download: (GitHub → “Clone or Download” → “Download ZIP”)

HPL3 Exporter Version 3.1

This addon allows you to model anything from single assets
to entire maps within Blender, and synchronize them to an HPL3 engine map,
automatically creating and configuring textures, material, and entity files
for a fast iteration process. The script is also capable of removing objects
from the HPL3 map which have been removed in the Blender scene,
exporting rigged and animated objects, and baking
lighting onto scene objects.

INSTALLATION (Requires Blender 2.80 Beta or later)

1. Copy “” and the “nvidia” folder to Blender's addons
directory (“…/Blender/2.80/scripts/addons”)

2. Open Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Search “hpl3”

3. Check box next to “Import-Export: HPL3 Export” and press “Save Preferences”

4. Exit window and go to the Tools bar in the left side of the 3D View. Drag
the width of the Tools bar out to set fields, and press T to hide the tools
bar at any time. Have fun!

Important usage notes

On export, the subdirectory and mesh file will take this name (“Suzanne.dae”), and having name conflicts in HPL3 can cause the wrong textures to load. The “Object Name” does not matter as much, and will be used to name that instance of the object when placed in the map.



For any questions or to report any bugs, message me @cadely on the Frictional Games Discord or on