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hpl1:documentation [2010/11/04 06:38]
jens created
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-====== Documentation ====== 
-Here are the documents provided by [[http://​|Frictional Games]]. **Scroll down to find user created documentation**.\\ 
-===== Getting started ===== 
-This short **[[getting started document]]** gives you a step by step guide to installing and setting up everything the first time.\\ 
-===== Content Creation Document ===== 
-The [[Content Creation Document]] contains all the information one needs to create content for the HPL Engine. However, it's a small book so to make the best of it look things up when you need it and do not attempt to read if from start to end in one go.\\ 
-===== Script Reference ===== 
-The [[Script Reference]] document contains all the scripts you can use. 
-===== Particle editor document ===== 
-[[Particle editor document]], everything you need to know to be able to create amazing particles using the HPL Particle Editor\\ 
-====== User created documentation ====== 
-===== CreativeMinds Community ===== 
-An excellent [[http://​​index.php?​option=com_alphacontent&​section=7&​cat=14&​task=view&​id=38&​Itemid=39|introduction to HPL]] and also a very helpful video tutorial on how to create a [[http://​​index.php?​option=com_alphacontent&​section=7&​cat=14&​task=view&​id=39&​Itemid=39|dynamic deformable object]] for the HPL Engine. 
-[[http://​|CreativeMinds Community]] 
hpl1/documentation.1288852721.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2010/11/04 06:38 by jens