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hpl2:machine_for_pigs:notes [2020/04/04 14:08]
mudbill Added link to Infection page. Also, deprecated previous "New Scripts" page by Darkfire as this page now contains more info. Credit to Darkfire for the initial documentation.
hpl2:machine_for_pigs:notes [2020/04/04 14:14] (current)
mudbill [Player]
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-Sets the [[https://​​hpl2/machine_for_pigs/infection|infection]] level for the player. Infection replaces sanity from TDD and acts similar, however it goes from 0-100 instead of 100-0. An infection level above approximately 20 will affect the player'​s ability to move. Infection level above 80 will kill the player. Infection slowly decreases over time, unless high enough. \\+Sets the [[:hpl2:machine_for_pigs:infection|infection]] level for the player. Infection replaces sanity from TDD and acts similar, however it goes from 0-100 instead of 100-0. An infection level above approximately 20 will affect the player'​s ability to move. Infection level above 80 will kill the player. Infection slowly decreases over time, unless high enough. \\
 This function replaces TDD's ''​SetPlayerSanity''​. This function replaces TDD's ''​SetPlayerSanity''​.
hpl2/machine_for_pigs/notes.1586009296.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/04/04 14:08 by mudbill