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hpl3:community:hpl3_reference_guide [2016/10/06 18:12]
abion47 created
hpl3:community:hpl3_reference_guide [2016/10/06 19:17] (current)
abion47 [Key Pick-Up]
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 This is a guide for anyone coming from HPL2 to help describe common actions done in Amnesia modding. In this guide, I will show you how to accomplish how to achieve the same effect (or at least as similar as you can get) in HPL3. This is a guide for anyone coming from HPL2 to help describe common actions done in Amnesia modding. In this guide, I will show you how to accomplish how to achieve the same effect (or at least as similar as you can get) in HPL3.
 +===== Key Pick-Up =====
 +In HPL3, keys, puzzle objects, or any other item that can be picked up is all grouped together under the term "​Tool"​. When an entity with the type "​Tool"​ is placed in the level, the player can pick it up just by interacting with it - no scripting required.
 +[Image Placeholder - Player Picks Up Chip]
 +Of course, there are times when you want to know if the player has picked up a tool. In this case, you can add a function to the tool's "​OnPlayerPickup"​ callback. This callback gets fired when the player (appropriately enough) picks up the tool.
 +[Image Placeholder - Editor Screenshot of Callback]
 +[Image Placeholder - Codelite Screenshot of Callback]
 +===== Forces and Impulses =====
 +==== Force vs Impulse ====
 +Force changes the speed of an object over time. It is used for things that have a cumulative effect, like gravity or acceleration.
 +Impulse changes the speed of an object instantaneously. It is used for things like jumps and explosions.
 +==== Simple Way ====
 +There are four convenience functions that will quickly allow you to add force or impulse to an entity: ​
 +  * [[hpl3/​game/​scripting/​function_reference/​hps_api#​entity_addforce|Entity_AddForce]]
 +  * [[hpl3/​game/​scripting/​function_reference/​hps_api#​entity_addforcefromentity|Entity_AddForceFromEntity]]
 +  * [[hpl3/​game/​scripting/​function_reference/​hps_api#​entity_addimpulse|Entity_AddImpulse]]
 +  * [[hpl3/​game/​scripting/​function_reference/​hps_api#​entity_addimpulsefromentity|Entity_AddImpulseFromEntity]]
 +The names of the functions offer a straightforward explanation of what the functions do:
 +The **Entity_AddForce** and **Entity_AddImpulse** functions enable you to apply force/​impulse on an entity with a direction and magnitude specified by a given [[hpl3/​community/​scripting/​classes/​cvector3f|cVector3f]] parameter. ​
 +The **Entity_AddForceFromEntity** and **Entity_AddImpulseFromEntity** functions enable you to add force/​impulse on an entity originating from the position of another entity with a magnitude specified by a given **float** parameter. ​
 +All four functions support wildsards (*) for affecting multiple entities with a single function call.
 +Usage example:
 +       "​entity_name", ​               // The name of the entity
 +       ​cVector3f(0.0,​ 5.0, 0.0),     // The direction and magnitude of the force (in this case, straight upward)
 +       ​false, ​                       // If true, the force is applied relative to the entity'​s local rotation
 +       ​false); ​                      // If true, the force is applied to the entity'​s main physics body only</​code>​
 +==== Advanced Way ====
 +Physics in HPL3 is a bit more complicated than in HPL2. Every physics-enabled entity in HPL3 has attached to it an [[hpl3/​community/​scripting/​classes/​iphysicsbody|iPhysicsBody]] which can be retrieved in script. (In order for an entity to be physics-enabled,​ it must have body objects attached to it in the ModelViewer.)
 +To get the iPhysicsBody object of an entity, you do the following:
 +<​code=c++>//​ Retrieve the entity object from the map
 +iLuxEntity @entity = Map_GetEntity("​entity_name"​);​
 +// Retrieve the iPhysicsBody from the entity object
 +iPhysicsBody @body = entity.GetMainBody();</​code>​
 +From here, the functions related to force and impulse are:
 +  * **AddForce** (const cVector3f &in avForce)
 +  * **AddForceAtPosition** (const cVector3f &in avForce, ​ const cVector3f &in avPos)
 +  * **AddImpulse** (const cVector3f &in avImpulse)
 +  * **AddImpulseAtPosition** (const cVector3f &in avImpulse, ​ const cVector3f &in avPos)
 +These functions behave similarly to their convenience function counterparts,​ with **AddForceAtPosition** and **AddImpulseAtPosition** applying their effects from an arbitrary point in the world rather than the position of another entity.
 +Usage example:
 +<​code=c++>//​ Add a vertical force to the entity with a magnitude of 5.0
 +body.AddForce(cVector3f(0.0,​ 5.0, 0.0));</​code>​
 ===== To-Do List ===== ===== To-Do List =====
-  * Key Pick-Up 
   * Monster Spawn   * Monster Spawn
-  * Forces and Impulses 
   * Wake-Up Sequence   * Wake-Up Sequence
hpl3/community/hpl3_reference_guide.1475777541.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2016/10/06 18:12 by abion47