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hpl3:engine:graphics_debug [2013/01/25 11:44]
hpl3:engine:graphics_debug [2015/09/17 10:54] (current)
ian.thomas [Debug texts]
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-====== ​ ======+====== ​Graphics Debug ======
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 Start Depth.exe in Dev mode and then press F1 to bring up the Debug Toolbar. The two groups that are important are the "Debug texts" and "​Graphics Debug"​. Start Depth.exe in Dev mode and then press F1 to bring up the Debug Toolbar. The two groups that are important are the "Debug texts" and "​Graphics Debug"​.
 ===== Debug texts ===== ===== Debug texts =====
 +The important checkboxes here are Show FPS, Show Memory Usage and Show Render Info. These will tell you how costly the rendering of the scene is.
-The important checkboxes here are Show FPS, Show Memory Usage and Show Render Info. These will tell you how costly+==== Show FPS ====
-{{  :​hpl3:​engine:​debug_menu.png?​nolink&​292x618}}+Shows how fast the level is running.
-the rendering of the scene is. +    * **FrameTime**:​ Shows how long it takes to render a frame, this is the most important info. 
 +    * **FPS**: 1000 / FrameTime. It is what you usually see when talking about performance. It is easier to grasp but not as useful as FrameTime. 
 +==== Show Memory Usage ====
-==== Show FPS ====+    * **Renderer Memory Usage**: The amount of VRAM used by the renderer. This contains frame buffers, shadows, terrain and post-effects. It is greatly affected by the resolution of the window. 
 +    * **Texture Memory Usage**: The texture memory used by the level. This contains all the textures used for the materials of the objects. Texture memory is reduced by a lot with just a few changes in the config file. 
 +    * **Vertex Memory Usage**: The amount of VRAM used by meshes and decals. The imporant difference between Vertex and Texture memory is that Vertex memory can't be reduced by changing a setting. It takes up as much space on a good and a bad computer. 
 +    * **Total Memory Usage**: The sum of the above memory usage. 
 +==== Show Rendering Info ====
-Shows how fast the level is running.+    * **Draw Calls**: The number of objects rendered in the current scene. 
 +    * **Rendered Triangles / Vertices**: The total number of triangles and vertices rendered per frame. 
 +    * **Queries**:​ A special draw call used to check if an object is occluded. It is more expensive than a draw call. 
 +===== Graphics Debug =====
-    * FrameTime: Shows how long it takes to render a frame, this is the most important info. +To be able to find which parts of the scene that takes up the most performance ​you can use these special render modes.
-    * FPS: 1000 / FrameTime. It is what you usually see when talking about performance. It is easier to grasp but not as useful as FrameTime.+
-==== Show Memory Usage ====+==== Previous Frame Occlusion ​====
-    * Renderer Memory Usage: The amount of VRAM used by the renderer. This contains frame buffers, shadows, terrain ​and post-effects. It is greatly affected by the resolution of the window. +Pauses ​the occlusion culling ​and renders ​the scene with the occlusion culling from before ​the checkbox was ticked. This is used to see how effective ​the occlusion culling ​is in the specific sceneAfter activating this you can press F7 to fly around ​and look at the scene from another angle to see where the culling failsActivating this will disable rendering of translucent objects since they can be unstable.
-    * Texture Memory Usage: The texture memory used by the level. This contains all the textures ​used for the materials of the objects. Texture memory ​is reduced by a lot with just a few changes ​in the config file. +
-    * Vertex Memory Usage: The amount of VRAM used by meshes ​and decalsThe imporant difference between Vertex and Texture memory is that Vertex memory ​can'​t ​be reduced by changing a setting. It takes up as much space on a good and a bad computer. +
-    * Total Memory Usage: The sum of the above memory usage.+
-==== Show Rendering Info ====+{{:​hpl3:​engine:​occlusion_preview.png?​nolink&​2560x720}} 
 +In the image to the left you can see what the player can see. It looks like only a few walls, some lockers and a door is rendered. On the right the camera has been moved back and it is now possible to see all the objects that get rendered this frame. There are a lot more than what it looks like in the left picture. 
 +==== GBuffer ​==== 
 +Shows what the frame buffers look like. These are then used by the lights to shade the scene. It can be used to check if a model has incorrect textures or normals. 
 +==== Light Complexity ==== 
 +Light complexity shows how expensive the lighting of a scene is. It creates a heatmap on the screen to show how much power each light takes. Overdraw of light is not very expensive, it is about twice as expensive as a translucent object. When the light has a shadow map it becomes much more expensive. The complexity of a shadow casting light is based on how many draw calls and triangles are required to generate the shadow map. 
 +The red areas on the right image is not good. There seem to be multiple large (in screen space) shadow casting lights in this scene. 
 +To test if most of the complexity comes from shadows you can toggle the "Draw Shadows"​ checkbox on the Debug Menu. Here is what the scene complexity looks like without shadows. 
 +==== Overdraw ==== 
 +Creates a heatmap that shows how much translucent overdraw each pixel receives. Overdraw is how many times a pixel gets rendered to. The goal should be that no part of the screen is red. It does not matter that much if only a small part is. 
 +    * Green: 0-16 
 +    * Yellow: 16-32 
 +    * Red: 32-48+ 
-    * Draw Calls: The number of objects rendered in the current ​scene. +On the left you can see the scene rendered normally. The fog particles are barely visible hereOn the right the pixel overdraw ​is renderedThe red areas show that more than 32 translucent planes are rendered, which is not good.
-    * Rendered Triangles / Vertices: ​The total number of triangles and vertices rendered per frame. +
-    * Queries: A special draw call used to check if an object ​is occludedIt is more expensive ​than a draw call.+
hpl3/engine/graphics_debug.1359114246.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/25 11:44 by nebej