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hpl3:engine:naming_convention [2017/05/26 13:04]
alexkalopsia [Entities]
hpl3:engine:naming_convention [2017/06/15 10:10] (current)
alexkalopsia [Areas]
Line 16: Line 16:
 |Readable |Readable_[Description]{_#​} |Readable_DeathNote |Item that the player can read (ends in Notes) | |Readable |Readable_[Description]{_#​} |Readable_DeathNote |Item that the player can read (ends in Notes) |
 |Actor |[Type]_[Description]{_#​} |Monster_DarkCorridor \\ Flesher_Patrol_2 |  | |Actor |[Type]_[Description]{_#​} |Monster_DarkCorridor \\ Flesher_Patrol_2 |  |
-|Blocker |Blocker_[Description]{_#​} |Blocker_DoorFrame_2 |Entity used as boundary box | 
 \\ \\
Line 29: Line 28:
 |Sound Area |SoundArea_[Description] |SoundArea_RockFalls |Area (empty Trigger) used to position a sound \\ created through script | |Sound Area |SoundArea_[Description] |SoundArea_RockFalls |Area (empty Trigger) used to position a sound \\ created through script |
 |Soundscape |Soundscape_[Description]{_#​} |Soundscape_MedRoom_2 |  | |Soundscape |Soundscape_[Description]{_#​} |Soundscape_MedRoom_2 |  |
-|Path Node |PathNode{_RouteName}_[#] |PathNode_2 ​\\ PathNode_ChamberRoute_13 |  |+|Path Node |PathNode{_Description}_[#] |PathNode_MonsterTarget_1 ​\\ PathNode_ChamberRoute_13 |  |
 |Player Path |PlayerPath_[Location]_[#​] |PlayerPath_Corridor_14 |Area (empty Trigger, not actual PathNodes) \\ used to define a sequence of player'​s positions | |Player Path |PlayerPath_[Location]_[#​] |PlayerPath_Corridor_14 |Area (empty Trigger, not actual PathNodes) \\ used to define a sequence of player'​s positions |
-|Other Types |[AreaType]{_Description}_[#​] |GhoulHole_Chambers_1 \\ SpawnArea_4 |  |+|Other Types |[AreaType]{_Description}_[#​] |GhoulHole_Chambers_1 \\ SpawnArea_4 ​\\ PosArea_TargetPosition_2 ​|  | 
 ==== Sounds ==== ==== Sounds ====
-^Type ^Style ^Example ​^Info +^Type ^Style ^Example | 
-|Sound |Sound_[Description] |Sound_RockFalls |Mostly used for OneShot sounds |+|Sound |Sound_[Description] |Sound_RockFalls | 
 ==== Lights ==== ==== Lights ====
 ^Type ^Name ^Example ^Info | ^Type ^Name ^Example ^Info |
-|Any |Light{_Description}_[Type]_[#|Light_Point_3 ​\\ Light_Spot_14 \\ Light_MonsterAppears_Point_2 ​|Allows for good use of wildcards |+|Any |Light_[Description]{_Type}{_#|Light_MonsterAppears_Point_2 ​\\ Light_Sunshine ​|Allows for good use of wildcards | 
 ==== Particle Systems ==== ==== Particle Systems ====
-^Type ^Style ^Example ​^Info +^Type ^Style ^Example | 
-|Any |PS_[Description]{_#​} |PS_CeilingCrumble |  |+|Any |PS_[Description]{_#​} |PS_CeilingCrumble | 
 ===== Script ===== ===== Script =====
Line 56: Line 63:
 ==== Objects ==== ==== Objects ====
-^Type ^Style ^Example | +^Type ^Style ^Example ​^Info 
-|Timer |''​Timer_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​Map_AddTimer("​Timer_MonsterLeaves",​3,"​OnTimer_MonsterLeaves"​);'' ​  | +|Timer |''​Timer_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​Map_AddTimer("​Timer_MonsterLeaves",​3,"​OnTimer_MonsterLeaves"​);'' ​  |Unless name is used as OnTimer argument ​
-|Sound |''​Sound_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​Sound_CreateAtEntity("​Sound_MonsterScream",​ …);'' ​  | +|Sound |''​Sound_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​Sound_CreateAtEntity("​Sound_MonsterScream",​ …);'' ​  |  ​
-|Particle System |''​PS_[Description]{_#​}'' ​  ​|''​ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntity("​PS_CeilingCrumble",​ …);'' ​  |+|Particle System |''​PS_[Description]{_#​}'' ​  ​|''​ParticleSystem_CreateAtEntity("​PS_CeilingCrumble",​ …);'' ​  ​| ​ | 
 ==== Methods ==== ==== Methods ====
-^Type ^Style ^Example | +^Type ^Style ^Example ​^Info 
-|Main Callbacks ​(Player) ​|''​On[Verb][Object]_[Name]'' ​  ​|''​OnCollideTrigger_DeactivateFog(){}''  ​\\ ​​​​​​''​OnLookAtAgent_GhoulTunAway(){} \\ OnInteractEntity_ConfigNote(){}'' ​ | +|Main Callbacks |''​On[Verb]_[Subject]_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​OnLookAt_Player_ChangeCorpsePose(){} \\ OnCollide_Monster_MakeLoudSound(){}''  ​\\  ''​OnCollide_RingBell(){}'' ​  |[Description] can be omitted if stating the subject hinders the clarity of the method name  | 
-|Main Callbacks (Not Player) ​|''​On[Subject][Verb][Object]_[Name]'' ​  ​|''​OnEntityCollideTrigger_MakeLoudSound(){}''  ​\\  ''​OnAgentCollideTrigger_StartSequence(){}'' ​  +|Interact ​|''​OnInteract_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​OnInteract_CallElevator(){}'' ​  |  | 
-|Death |''​OnDeath_[Cause]'' ​  ​|''​OnDeath_MonsterCorridor(){}'' ​  | +|Death |''​OnDeath_[Cause]'' ​  ​|''​OnDeath_MonsterCorridor(){}'' ​  |  ​
-|Change State |''​OnConnectionStateChange_[Object]'' ​  ​|''​OnConnectionStateChange_PortcullisLever(){}'' ​  | +|Change State |''​OnConnectionStateChange_[Object]'' ​  ​|''​OnConnectionStateChange_PortcullisLever(){}'' ​  |  ​
-|End Of Track |''​OnEndOfTrack_[MonsterName]'' ​  ​|''​OnEndOfTrack_Monster_Corridor(){}'' ​  | +|End Of Track |''​OnEndOfTrack_[MonsterName]'' ​  ​|''​OnEndOfTrack_MonsterCorridor(){}'' ​  |  ​
-|Timer |''​OnTimer_[TimerDescription]'' ​  ​|''​OnTimer_MonsterLeaves(){}'' ​  | +|Timer |''​OnTimer_[TimerDescription]'' ​  ​|''​OnTimer_MonsterLeaves(){}'' ​  |  ​
-|Sequence |''​Seq_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​Seq_CallElevator(){}'' ​  | +|Sequence |''​Seq_[Description]'' ​  ​|''​Seq_CallElevator(){}'' ​  |  ​
-|Other |''​[Object]_[Verb]'' ​  ​|''​Corridor_SetupAfterDeath(){}'' ​ \\  ''​Corpse_Reset(){}'' ​ \\ ''​LeftPillar_Move(){} \\ Monster_ClimbWindow(){}'' ​ |+|Other |''​[Object]_[Verb]'' ​  ​|''​Corridor_SetupAfterDeath(){}'' ​ \\  ''​Corpse_Reset(){}'' ​ \\ ''​LeftPillar_Move(){} \\ Monster_ClimbWindow(){}'' ​ ​| ​ |
 \\ \\
hpl3/engine/naming_convention.1495803869.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/26 13:04 by alexkalopsia