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hpl3:engine:rendering [2011/10/24 07:38]
hpl3:engine:rendering [2012/01/09 18:10]
Line 216: Line 216:
  ​{{:​hpl3:​engine:​dds_format.jpg}} \\  ​{{:​hpl3:​engine:​dds_format.jpg}} \\
  ​{{:​hpl3:​engine:​crop.jpg?​400|}}  ​{{:​hpl3:​engine:​crop.jpg?​400|}}
 +=== Billboard Group ===
 +== Overview ==
 +A group with multiple billboards. Batching them together and rendering them at the same time.\\
 +All the billboards in a group must have the same material, but all other parameters can be different.\\
 +Alpha sorting is performed internally within the group. But alpha sorting with external billboards and billboard groups is performed as usual. Because of this the billboards in agroup should not be to spread out, a maximum radius of 5-10m is recommended.\\ ​
 +When selected the Billboard Group will show the combinded bounding volume of all the billboards.
 +== Settings ==
 +**Material** | The material which will be used to render all the billboards in the group.\\
 +=== Liquid Trickle ===
 +== Overview ==
 +A shader effect to simulate liquid spreading out over an object. The amount of liquid is controlled by a texture and a variable called LiquidAmount. The variable can be set via scripting or be updated automatically over time. The texture is used to mask out where the liquid can spread and in which order it spreads, it is also used to determine how the liquid fades away.
 +== Texture ==
 +To create a liquid texture map two color channels must be used. The red channel is a gradient mask that controls where the liquid spreads and the order of the spread. The brighter the pixel is the earlier it is covered in liquid. If the pixel is set to (0,0,0) the liquid will be completely masked. The green channel is used to determine in which order the liquid will fade out. Fading out can be turned off in the material editor.
 +{{ :​hpl3:​engine:​fade_in_out.jpg |}}
 +When saving the texture it should be exported as a compressed 3dc dds. If the quality for the texture is not good enough then the texture can be saved as a tga, for this to work the red channel has to be copied in to the alpha channel and the green channel to the blue channel.
 +== Scripting ==
 +For some effects the liquid amount can be controlled automatically by the time. But scripting can be used to create some other interesting effects.
 +One effect could be to set the LiquidAmount variable to correspond to how much of an object is below the water surface and then slowly lower the LiquidAmount to simulate it drying.
 +Scripting can also be used for showing blood when a character is hurt or if oil starts leaking when triggering a trap. \\
 +When a material should work with scripting it is a good idea to set the LiquidTrickleFadeIn parameter to 1 so that the LiquidAmount variable works as percentage instead of time.
hpl3/engine/rendering.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/05/20 09:33 by nebej