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hpl3:game:scripting:id_handles [2013/07/19 13:05]
hpl3:game:scripting:id_handles [2013/07/19 13:05]
Line 82: Line 82:
 A ID handle can be saved to the save file and it will retrieve the same object after load. The ID will also stay the same when working on the map which means that the save file will stay valid even after a patch on a map. This will also work with the realtime reload of the entity maptrack. A ID handle can be saved to the save file and it will retrieve the same object after load. The ID will also stay the same when working on the map which means that the save file will stay valid even after a patch on a map. This will also work with the realtime reload of the entity maptrack.
-===== Functions ===== 
-iEntity3D@ cLux_IDEntity3D(tID aID); 
-cMeshEntity@ cLux_IDMeshEntity(tID aID); 
-cSubMeshEntity@ cLux_IDSubMeshEntity(tID aID); 
-iLight@ cLux_IDLight(tID aID); 
-cLightMaskBox@ cLux_IDLightMaskBox(tID aID); 
-cBillboard@ cLux_IDBillboard(tID aID); 
-cBillboardGroup@ cLux_IDBillboardGroup(tID aID); 
-cLensFlare@ cLux_IDLensFlare(tID aID); 
-cBeam@ cLux_IDBeam(tID aID); 
-cParticleSystem@ cLux_IDParticleSystem(tID aID); 
-cGuiSetEntity@ cLux_IDGuiSetEntity(tID aID); 
-iRopeEntity@ cLux_IDRopeEntity(tID aID); 
-cClothEntity@ cLux_IDClothEntity(tID aID); 
-cFogArea@ cLux_IDFogArea(tID aID); 
-cExposureArea@ cLux_IDExposureArea(tID aID); 
-cForceField@ cLux_IDForceField(tID aID); 
-cSoundEntity@ cLux_IDSoundEntity(tID aID); 
-iPhysicsBody@ cLux_IDPhysicsBody(tID aID); 
-iPhysicsJoint@ cLux_IDPhysicsJoint(tID aID); 
-iCharacterBody@ cLux_IDCharacterBody(tID aID); 
-iLuxEntity@ cLux_IDEntity(tID aID); 
-cLuxProp@ cLux_IDProp(tID aID); 
-cLuxArea@ cLux_IDArea(tID aID); 
-cLuxLiquidArea@ cLux_IDLiquidArea(tID aID); 
-cLuxReverbArea@ cLux_IDReverbArea(tID aID); 
-cLuxCritter@ cLux_IDCritter(tID aID); 
-cLuxAgent@ cLux_IDAgent(tID aID); 
hpl3/game/scripting/id_handles.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/09/11 10:50 by ian.thomas