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hpl3:game:voicehandler [2013/12/09 21:19]
thomas [Use with AI]
hpl3:game:voicehandler [2014/02/25 12:33]
thomas [Sound]
Line 21: Line 21:
 Name of the character Name of the character
-**AutoGenVoice**\\ +**EntryType**\\ 
-If the voices should be autogenerated ​(jrpg style).+The type of the sounds ​(and extrasoundsthat are played for this character. Is either World, WorldClean or GUI.
-The sample that should be played when the character speaks. 
-Determines the frequences (times per second) that AutoGenVoiceFile is played. 
 ===== Scene ===== ===== Scene =====
Line 94: Line 89:
 This is the lowest level data structure for a subject. It contains properties for the voice, (opitonal) effect sound, and subtitle. This is the lowest level data structure for a subject. It contains properties for the voice, (opitonal) effect sound, and subtitle.
-The file name for the voice sound is generated based on the names of the higher level structures. The syntax is:\\  +The file name for the voice sound is generated based on the names of the higher level structures. The syntax is:\\ 
-''​[map]''/''​[scene]''​_''​[subject]''​_''​[line index in 3 digits]''​_''​[character]''​_''​[sound index in 3 digits]'' ​+''​[map]''​ /''​[scene]''​ _''​[subject]''​ _''​[line index in 3 digits]''​ _''​[character]''​ _''​[sound index in 3 digits]''​
- +Here is an example:​\\ 
-Here is an example:\\  +//​01_01_castle/​SwordFight_ShowMercy_002_Arthur_001//​ \\
 This would be a voice sound being said in the map //"​01_01_castle"//​ (no file extension!),​ in the Scene //"​SwordFight"//​. The subject is //"​ShowMercy"//,​ it is the second line, it is being said by //"​Arthur"//​ and it is his first sound for that line. This would be a voice sound being said in the map //"​01_01_castle"//​ (no file extension!),​ in the Scene //"​SwordFight"//​. The subject is //"​ShowMercy"//,​ it is the second line, it is being said by //"​Arthur"//​ and it is his first sound for that line.
- +The lang file entry for the text is also generated, with this syntax:\\ 
-The lang file entry for the text is also generated, with this syntax:\\  +Category: Voices_''​[map]''​ \\ 
-Category: Voices_''​[map]''​\\  +Entry: ''​[scene]''​ _''​[subject]''​ _''​[line index in 3 digits]''​ _''​[character]''​ _''​[sound index in 3 digits]''​ (apart from no folder name, it is exactly the same as for the voice file!)
-Entry: ''​[scene]''​_''​[subject]''​_''​[line index in 3 digits]''​_''​[character]''​_''​[sound index in 3 digits]'' ​ (apart from no folder name, it is exactly the same as for the voice file!) +
 Finally, if "​AutogenerateLangFiles"​ in "​Main"​ is set to true in the user settings, then the lang file entries will be autogenerated with the text specified in the sound'​s properties. Finally, if "​AutogenerateLangFiles"​ in "​Main"​ is set to true in the user settings, then the lang file entries will be autogenerated with the text specified in the sound'​s properties.
- +**Text** \\
-**Text** \\ +
 The text for the voices, not really saved by added to a lang file (if AutogenerateLangFiles is true i settings, see above) The text for the voices, not really saved by added to a lang file (if AutogenerateLangFiles is true i settings, see above)
- +**HasVoice** \\
-**HasVoice** \\ +
 If the sound has a voice at all. This is only meaningful false if there is an Effect filed specificed. If the sound has a voice at all. This is only meaningful false if there is an Effect filed specificed.
 +**Volume** \\
 +Volume of the sound and effect file. Gets multiplied with other volume properties.
-**Volume** \\  +**ReverbVolume** \\ 
-Volume ​of the sound and effect file.+The amount ​of reverb used for the sounds. Gets multiplied with other ReverbVolume properties.
- +**VoiceOffset** \\
-**VoiceOffset** \\ +
 Number of seconds before voice starts to play. Number of seconds before voice starts to play.
- +**TextOffset** \\
-**TextOffset** \\ +
 Number of seconds before the subtitles show up. Number of seconds before the subtitles show up.
- +**ExtraSoundOffset** \\
-**ExtraSoundOffset** \\ +
 Number of seconds before the effect file starts to play. Number of seconds before the effect file starts to play.
- +**ExtraSoundFile** \\
-**ExtraSoundFile** \\ +
 File path to an extra sound file that is played along with the voice. File path to an extra sound file that is played along with the voice.
- +**EndsAfterExtraSound** \\
-**EndsAfterExtraSound** \\ +
 If the sound should end when the extra sound file is done playing (and not the voice). If the sound should end when the extra sound file is done playing (and not the voice).
- +**EndPadding** \\
-**EndPadding** \\ +
 Number of seconds of padding in the length of voice file. If this is over 0, then that means the next sound will start that many seconds earlier (while the current sound is still playing). Number of seconds of padding in the length of voice file. If this is over 0, then that means the next sound will start that many seconds earlier (while the current sound is still playing).
Line 158: Line 144:
 Here are a few practices that should be used when adding voices in the game: Here are a few practices that should be used when adding voices in the game:
-**Pure sound effects is a separate line**\\+**- Sound effects are between *:s **\\ 
 +When adding sound effects, like *gasp*, *pants*, *cries*, etc then always put them between *:s. This way we can easily remove them for people that do not want the hearing impaired option. 
 +**- Pure sound effects is a separate line**\\
 When implementing a subject that contains parts where there is only (non character related) sound effects playing you shall add this as Line on its own. The character containing it shall be called "​_SoundEffect"​. If the sound effects need to come from special position in the world, then do add a "​_"​ followed by a prefix to the name, for instance "​_SoundEffect_Trees"​ (this should be pretty rare though and these sort of effects are better added through callback functions, but there might be some rare instance that require it). When implementing a subject that contains parts where there is only (non character related) sound effects playing you shall add this as Line on its own. The character containing it shall be called "​_SoundEffect"​. If the sound effects need to come from special position in the world, then do add a "​_"​ followed by a prefix to the name, for instance "​_SoundEffect_Trees"​ (this should be pretty rare though and these sort of effects are better added through callback functions, but there might be some rare instance that require it).
 Important note is that this only meant for sound effects that are not specific to a character voice. Examples:\\ Important note is that this only meant for sound effects that are not specific to a character voice. Examples:\\
 Do **NOT** use it for: *cough*, *clears throat*, *spits*, etc.\\ Do **NOT** use it for: *cough*, *clears throat*, *spits*, etc.\\
-**DO** use it for: *steps are hard coming down the stairs*, *large metal door opens*, *Anne carefully steps on the creaking floor*, etc.\\+**DO** use it for: *steps are heard coming down the stairs*, *large metal door opens*, *Anne carefully steps on the creaking floor*, etc.\\ 
 +**- All protagonist dialog come from the character "​Player"​**\\ 
 +Make sure that all the dialog that the player is supposed to say outloud comes from the character "​Player",​ as this allow the game to not play breathing, etc when a voice over from the player character is playing.
-**Use proper prefix for subjects**\\+**Use proper prefix for subjects**\\
 Have prefixes on the subjects that give some hint where they belong and make it easier to sort. For instance a blackbox subject should start with "​Blackbox_",​ eg "​Blackbox_FriedRobot"​. Another examples would be a situation that many subjects belong. Say Simon meets a farmer and there is a lot of subjects related to this, then use the prefix "​SimonMeetsFarmer_",​ eg "​SimonMeetsFarmer_Intro"​. Have prefixes on the subjects that give some hint where they belong and make it easier to sort. For instance a blackbox subject should start with "​Blackbox_",​ eg "​Blackbox_FriedRobot"​. Another examples would be a situation that many subjects belong. Say Simon meets a farmer and there is a lot of subjects related to this, then use the prefix "​SimonMeetsFarmer_",​ eg "​SimonMeetsFarmer_Intro"​.
 This is also true for special characters, for instance when a certain character speak in a recording. So for instnace a character that appears in a SOMA blackbox message (that does not come from a world position), should have "​Blackbox_"​ as prefix, eg "​Blackbox_Amy"​. This is also true for special characters, for instance when a certain character speak in a recording. So for instnace a character that appears in a SOMA blackbox message (that does not come from a world position), should have "​Blackbox_"​ as prefix, eg "​Blackbox_Amy"​.
-**Write temp dialog in square brackets**\\+**Write temp dialog in square brackets**\\
 If you add some writing that is only temporary then add this between square brackets. Also briefly summarize what is supposed to be going on, or what the is supposed to be expressed. Examples:\\ If you add some writing that is only temporary then add this between square brackets. Also briefly summarize what is supposed to be going on, or what the is supposed to be expressed. Examples:\\
 [Player gets his finger caught in bear trap]\\ [Player gets his finger caught in bear trap]\\
hpl3/game/voicehandler.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/17 10:53 by ian.thomas