Table of Contents



cSubMesh has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
void SetMaterial cMaterial@ apMaterial
void SetVertexBuffer iVertexBuffer@ apVtxBuffer
cMaterial@ GetMaterial
iVertexBuffer@ GetVertexBuffer
const tString& GetName
cMeshCollider@ CreateCollider eCollideShapeType aType
cMeshCollider@ GetCollider int alIdx
int GetColliderNum
iCollideShape@ CreateCollideShape iPhysicsWorld@ apWorld
void SetIsCollideShape bool abX
bool IsCollideShape
cVector3f GetModelScale
const cMatrixf& GetLocalTransform
void SetLocalTransform const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTrans
void GetMaterialName const tString &in asName
const tString& GetMaterialName
void Compile


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