Download the Windows HPL Editor Suite for Amnesia 1.3.
Download the Windows HPL Editor Suite for Amnesia 1.2 and earlier.
This file must be unpacked in one of two places depending on which version of the game you have.
For users who downloaded the game from the site, unpack the file to the redist folder, found in the game's root directory that you chose during installation (By default, C:\Program Files\Amnesia - The Dark Descent\redist). If you have no redist folder, unpack it to the main folder where you find amnesia.exe, all .dll files and folders with game data.
For steam users, unpack the files to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\amnesia the dark descent\.
Keep in mind that these tools, while having been used to produce actual content and a lot of effort has been put on making them as stable as possible, are a constant work in progress, so bugs and the like may arise anytime. Make sure to back up your work often. You can always help with development, reporting crashes and bugs, and always including a description of the bug and any log output from BlackBox or the editors themselves (logs located in your <User Directory>/HPL2/ folder).
Download the Linux HPL Editor Suitefor Amnesia 1.2.1 and earlier.
Download the Linux HPL Editor Suite for Amnesia 1.3 and later.
Updated 2011-02-19 Updated to fix crashes when selecting enemies.
Extract the zip and run the installer (
The installer should automatically find your currently installed copy of Amnesia if you installed it in one of the common installation locations. If not, simply select the Amnesia folder where you installed the game.
Note: No menu items are created by the installer, it simply installs the editor data files and executables for your platform.
Note: The HplLangTool.exe is included in the Linux HPL editor suite, it is a .NET application that does run under mono.
Keep in mind that these tools, while having been used to produce actual content and a lot of effort has been put on making them as stable as possible, are a constant work in progress, so bugs and the like may arise anytime. Make sure to back up your work often. You can always help with development, reporting crashes and bugs, and always including a description of the bug and any log output from the editors themselves (logs located in your ~/.frictionalgames/HPL2 folder).