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New Scripts

Many scripts from TDD work in MFP. Some of them have been removed, however (e.g. SetInventoryDisabled). MFP has a set of it's own new scripts:


SetLanternFlickerActive(bool abActive);

Enables the lantern flicker effect.

abActive - set to true to enable the effect

SetPlayerInfection(float afAmount);
AddPlayerInfection(float afAmount);

Infection related scripts.

Screen effects

ShowScreenImage(string asImage, int alPosX, int alPosY, float afUnknown, bool abUnknown2, float afTime, float afFadeIn, float afFadeOut);

Displays an image on the screen. Originally used to show the MFP logo in-game.

asImage - the image to display. E.g. startup_aamfp_logo.jpg
alPosX - horizontal position of the image. 0 is right screen border, smaller values are left.
alPosY - vertical position of the image. 0 is bottom, smaller values are up.
afUnknown - Unless set to below 0, the image won't appear. Might have more functionality to it.
abUnknown2 - setting this to true makes the image not appear. Might have more functionality to it.
afTime - image display time.
afFadeIn - fade in time. Is added to the base time.
afFadeOut - fade out time. Is added to the base time.

hpl2/machine_for_pigs/new_scripts.1581756636.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/15 08:50 by darkfire