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CodeLite - How to get started

  1. Download this zip as the current install on the offical website is out-of-date for Angel Script support.
  2. Copy extracted folder/lexers_hpl3.xml to “CodeLite install dir”/lexers/. This will add a language config for C++ we can tweak for AngelScript.
  3. Launch CodeLite and configure:
    • Settings→Tags Settings→Display and Behavior: Increase number of items to display to 200.
    • Settings→Tags Settings→Display and Behavior: Activate “Keep function signature un-formated” this fixes our &in problem with hints.
    • Settings→Tags Settings→ctags→Include Files: Add a path to “SVN dir”/depth/redist/script, this will allow the parser to auto-parse script files that you #include among other things.
    • Settings→Tags Settings→ctags→Advanced: Add *.hps to file types list, this will allow the parser to parse .hps files.
    • Settings→Tags Settings→Colouring: Increase maximum number of coloured symbols to at least 5000.
    • Settings→Tags Settings→Colouring: Enable colour local variables.
    • (optional) Settings→Tags Settings→Colouring: Enable colour workspace tags, also enable enumerator but leave the rest with default setting.
    • (optional) Settings→Tags Settings: Configure the rest to your liking. For example, auto-show & case sensitive enabled.
    • Settings→Syntax Highlighting and Fonts→Change Coloring Scheme to HPL3 if not already set.
  1. Create a new workspace.
  2. Create a new project in the workspace. Use template Others → None-code project.
    • Right-click on project folder, choose Import files from directory .. Import “redist/script/”.
    • Right-click on project folder, choose Import files from directory .. Import “redist/maps/”.
    • Right-click on project, New Virtual Folder, name it “_api”.
    • Right-click on _api and Add An Existing File, add the file “redist/hps_api.hps”.

That should be it, .hps files should be color coded and parsed for completion as you added them to the project. If it did not, you can re-tag the workspace, project or the single file to see if it helps. If no color coding, it can be forced in View→View As: C++. You will know it uses our lexer if the strings are grey colored instead of red colored.

ctrl-space will bring up the completion drop down. ctrl-shift-space will bring up hints when inside the () of a function. ctrl-left-click on #include, variables, functions etc will open/move cursor to their location.

Issues & Info

  • Write Class@ object and not Class @object, the later will screw up coloring.
  • A bug currently can make some words loose coloring when you launch codelite. Open the Tags settings, click OK and the re-tag the file or project to fix it.
  • If you loose all coloring and can't get it back, delete the .tags file saved in the same folder as your workspace. Then relaunch codelite and re-tag workspace, save file to get it working.
  • Parameters with &in will break coloring of parameter, but will have no other side-effects.

Extra Info

  1. Info about Settings→Syntax Highlighting and Fonts→Customize→→Edit Lexer keyword sets, Set 0 to Set 4:
    • Set 0 User configured list of keywords not already parsed. Can be edited.
    • Set 1 Unknown.
    • Set 2 Doxygen keywords, words here will be colored in comments using /** codeblocks when prepended with @ ie @var int myInt. Can be edited.
    • Set 3 Used for the setting “Colour workspace tags”, automatically created (not visibly). Can NOT be edited.
    • Set 4 Used for the setting “Colour local variables”, automatically created (not visibly). Can NOT be edited.
hpl3/3rdparty/codelite.1333535140.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/04/04 10:25 by jens