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Welcome to the community section of the HPL3 documentation wiki!

Within these walls you can read user-submitted tutorials and guides, along with any other form of information the community has put up here. If you'd like to participate, you can even create and update any pages as well with a wiki user.

Good luck!

Need help?

If you need help creating your wiki page, I'll roughly explain how to do so here.

Creating a page is easy enough. Right click the folder in the tree to the left, and select “New page here”. You will get a pop-up that asks for a page name. This is the filename of the page, not necessarily the displayed name. The file name will use underscores instead of spaces, and is always lower case. If you're creating a page on “Best Pizza Recipe” then an example of the page name can be “pizza_recipe”, however this is up to you.

hpl3/community/start.1443186164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/25 13:02 by mudbill