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Q: When an entity with many bodies is atttached to a sticky area it does work to make it a static collider?
A: Use a timer so it is set to static collider half a second or so after it has attached to the sticky area. The sticky area and static colliders overlaps in usage of some physics settings, so the sticky area needs to be done before you set the body as static.

Q: MoveObject does not work properly with an entity with two or more bodies?
A: Specify which body to move by adding it to MainPhysicsBody in the model editor → entity settings → Class → Prop_MoveObject.



Q: Particles does not fade in and out even though I have configured max and min distance?
A: Check the colour setting for the particle and make sure that the alpha is not lowered. If the particle should be fainter, fade it with the colour setting instead (changing from white towards black makes the particle less visible). The alpha can then be left at full and the distance fade will work properly.

Level Editing

Q: After loading a map I can't pan the camera only rotate?
A: The Controller mode is probably set to Fly. Set it back to Maya by clicking on View button at the top left → Controller → Maya.

hpl3/game/faq.1355315629.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/12/12 12:33 by ahmad