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User Modules


What follows is a list of all the premade user modules that come with the game. All of these have helper functions that can be access by looking for functions with the prefix displayed for each module.

Interactive camera animation

Helper function prefix: CameraAnimation


The camera animation system is used to move the player camera along a specific path while still allowing some degree of interaction.


To use the system, place CameraAnimation nodes (Area → CameraAnimation) in the scene and give each of them the name of the animation followed by an underscore and their placement within the animation (such as WakeUpAnimation_1, WakeUpAnimation_2 etc). Note that if you duplicate (Ctrl-D) a node, the duplicate will automatically get the next available number as its suffix.
Rotate the nodes so that their Z-axes point in the direction you want the camera to look at that part of the animation.
In script, call the helper function CameraAnimation_Begin() to start the animation.

Node properties

Dictates how far the player is allowed to rotate the camera away from the target forward rotation. This value is interpolated between nodes.

How fast the player can rotate the camera.

The time it takes to move from this node to the next at full speed forward.

The time it takes to move from the next node to this one at full reverse speed.

Dictates how the animation behaves when no movement input is given, or when movement input is disabled. 0 stops movement, 1 is as if given full forward speed (animation will finish after [ForwardTime] seconds), -1 is as if given full reverse speed.

The length between this node and the next the player can move just by looking toward the next node, given as a value between 0 and 1.

The maximum angle away from the next node the player can look and still move forward. Only valid if LookMoveDistance > 0.

If checked, the player can control the movement between this node and the next. If unchecked, the AutoMovement property has complete control over the movement and should not be set to 0.

If checked, the player will automatically crouch if the animation is ended at this node.

If checked, the node is given the orientation of the camera when the animation starts. This is very useful when you want the animation to have a smooth beginning, or you want to make sure the player is returned to where they were when the end node is reached.

Function in the level script that should be called when reaching this node. The syntax is bool FuncName(const tString &in asEntity, int alDirection), where asEntity is the name of the node and alDirection is 1 if moving forward and -1 if moving backward.

Attack Meter




Distortion Effects


Game Over

Highlight Effect



Light Flash

Load Screen

Map Effects


Player Energy

Player Hands

Player Pickup

Player Tool

Terrain Particles

Wake Handler

hpl3/game/scripting/user_modules.1441971776.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/11 11:42 by ian.thomas