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User Modules

What follows is a list of all the premade user modules that come with the game. All of these have helper functions that can be accessed by looking for functions with the prefix displayed for each module.


Helper function prefix: Credits_

The credits handler simply displays a scrolling list of credits - see config/Credits.cfg for the format used.


Helper function prefix: Datamine_

Datamining is what happens when the player in SOMA touches a dead person, intercom or other piece of technology and hears the last few moments of data buffer as an audio clip. Most of this is handled automatically by Prop_Datamine, but there are a few helper functions available.


Helper function prefix: Description_

The description handler is an old module pre-SOMA; it's for adding descriptive text on-screen. SOMA uses Readables and ZoomAreas instead. Description may not be full up-to-date with SOMA's code.

Distortion Effects

Helper function prefix: DistortionEffect_

This module implements the distortion effects that happen to the player's vision as they get close to enemy creatures such as the Flesher. It's called automatically from some AI, but it's also possible to explicitly add additional distortion effects e.g. to trigger effects in a particular area.


Helper function prefix: Emotion_

This module implements heavy breathing and heartbeats effects, allowing you to programmatically change volume and rate of both.

Game Over

Helper function prefix: GameOver_

This module implements the death screen, and the weird sequence of images you get just before death. It's automatically called by the AttackHandler.

Highlight Effect

This module manages the highlighting of particular interactive objects in an area near to the player.


Helper function prefix: Hint_

This module handles the textual hints (with embedded button symbols) that pop up at the top of the screen.


Helper function prefix: Inventory_

The inventory module handles the display of the player's inventory (the management of it is done in PlayerToolHandler).

Light Flash

Helper function prefix: LightFlash_

The light flash module handles the display of a flash effect of bright light at the particular positions in the 3D world.

Map Effects

Helper function prefix: Map_

The Map Effects module handles a variety of different helpers for the map's effects, including fog and environment particles. It also manages collections of environmental presets to fade between, so you can transition a map's appearance from one state to another.

Helper function prefix: MainMenu_, PauseMenu_

The MenuHandler module implements all of SOMA's front-end menus.

Player Energy

Helper function prefix: PlayerEnergy_

The Player Energy module implements the recharging of the player's health (through use of 'Wau Flowers') in SOMA. 'Wau Flowers' themselves are of type Prop_EnergySource.

Player Hands

Helper function prefix: PlayerHands_

The Player Hands module implements all the animations that the first-person player hands take in game. It also allows binding the camera to a socket on the player hands animation for custom 'cut-scene'-like moments, such as climbing out of the dome in Upsilon.

Player Pickup

This is an old module no longer used in SOMA.

Player Tool

Helper function prefix: Player_

This module handles the player's use of Prop_Tool objects that they pick up, including maintaining an inventory list, deciding if a tool is equipped (shown in the player's hands) and whether tools can be used on particular entities or areas. In SOMA, this covers things like the Omnitool or scan chips.

Terrain Particles

This is an old module no longer used in SOMA.

Wake Handler

Helper function prefix: Wake_

This implements a very simple wakeup effect, as if blinking eyelids (see the start of the Theta labyrinth after Akers has embedded you in coral).

hpl3/game/scripting/user_modules.1442401955.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/16 11:12 by ian.thomas