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To set up the editors for working on a Mod, you need to create a text file in your “My documents/HPL3” folder called 'WIPmod.cfg' containing the following:

<WIPmod Path="Full_Path_To_Mod/entry.hpc" />

Just change the “Full_Path_To_Mod” to the actual path where your work in progress mod is sitting. Then, if your mod has custom assets, you need to make sure the editors can add them to their look up list, adding a folder named “editor” in your mod directory, and a 'lookupdirs.cfg' file inside it containing something like this:

	<Dir Category="StaticObjects" Path="assets/static_objects" />
	<Dir Category="Entities" Path="assets/entities" />
	<Dir Category="Billboards" Path="assets/billboards" />
	<Dir Category="Particles" Path="assets/particles" />
	<Dir Category="Sounds" Path="assets/sounds" />

This is what the Amnesia asset pack lookupdirs.cfg file looks like. If your mod only adds static objects, you would only need to add the first <Dir> line and make sure the path to the actual files is correct (should be relative to the mod root directory)

If all the above is done correctly, a “(Working on mod)” message should appear on the title bar of the editor when run.

That's all for now, happy modding!

hpl3/tutorials/mod-creation/setting_up_the_editors_for_working_on_a_mod.1450181462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/12/15 12:11 by luis