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Creating your own custom Amnesia Main Menu Background

In this tutorial you can learn how to create your own Amnesia Main Menu Background, that means the little map (YES, it's a map!) you see when you are in Amnesia's Main Menu!

It's very simple, the only tool you need for now is the Level Editor.

Step #1 - Modding the Map

The map that makes up Amnesia's default background is located in


It'll be different for Mac / Linux users or owners of the Steam version, but I assume you know where your redist-folder is.

Now that you have it opened in the level editor, you can either do little modifications or a complete new map! Just be sure to not delete the PlayerStartArea! It basically is your camera view, so if you want to see something, do not delete it. You can of course adjust it to the place where you want your camera to be, then load up the Main Menu after you've edited the .cfg and see how it looks!

Step #2 - Editing the .cfg

To make Amnesia load your map if you've changed its name for example, you need to edit the right config file. It's located here:

Amnesia - The Dark Descent\redist\config\menu.cfg

Open it with your preferred text editor (I recommend Notepad++ ) and start editing!

Search (Ctrl+f) for the line Music = “game_menu.ogg”. The text in quotes is the sound file for the background music. You can replace it with any file you want, but it has to be an .ogg!

The next thing to replace is in the line BGScene = “”. Here you can paste in the name of your new and edited background map! The BGCamera lines are good for further adjusting your camera view.

There sure is more that could be edited in that file, but you'll have to find out by yourself! If you make up something interesting, why not post it here?

hpl2/tutorials/script/tutorialsformainmenu.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/17 15:15 by grunt44432