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cCamera has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
const cVector3f& GetPosition const
void SetPosition const cVector3f &in avPos
const cVector3f& GetVelocity const
void SetVelocity const cVector3f &in avVel
void MoveForward float afDist
void MoveRight float afDist
void MoveUp float afDist
void SetFOV float afAngle Sets the camera's vertical field-of-view to the given value. (Not to be confused with the value listed in the game's video settings which is the horizontal field-of-view.)
float GetFOV Returns the camera's vertical field-of-view. (Not to be confused with the value listed in the game's video settings which is the horizontal field-of-view.)
void SetAspect float afSpect
float GetAspect
void SetFarClipPlane float afX
float GetFarClipPlane
void SetNearClipPlane float afX
float GetNearClipPlane
void SetOrthoViewSize const cVector2f& avSize
const cVector2f& GetOrthoViewSize
void SetInifintiveFarPlane bool abX
bool GetInifintiveFarPlane
cFrustum@+ GetFrustum
void SetProjectionType eProjectionType aType
eProjectionType GetProjectionType
eCameraRotateMode GetRotateMode
eCameraMoveMode GetMoveMode
void SetRotateMode eCameraRotateMode aMode
void SetMoveMode eCameraMoveMode aMode
void ResetRotation
void UnProject cVector3f& avPosition,
cVector3f& apDirection,
const cVector2f &in avScreenPos,
const cVector2f &in avVirtualScreenSize
void AttachEntity iEntity3D@ aEntity
void RemoveEntity iEntity3D@ aEntity
cNode3D@ GetAttachmentNode
void ClearAttachedEntities
void SetPitch float afAngle
void SetYaw float afAngle
void SetRoll float afAngle
void AddPitch float afAngle
void AddYaw float afAngle
void AddRoll float afAngle
float GetPitch const
float GetYaw const
float GetRoll const
void SetPitchLimits float afMin,
float afMax
float GetPitchMinLimit
float GetPitchMaxLimit
void SetYawLimits float afMin,
float afMax
float GetYawMinLimit
float GetYawMaxLimit
void SetForward const cVector3f &in avX
void SetRight const cVector3f &in avX
void SetUp const cVector3f &in avX
void SetRotationMatrix const cMatrixf &in a_mtxRot
cVector3f GetForward
cVector3f GetRight
cVector3f GetUp
const cMatrixf& GetRotationMatrix
const cMatrixf& GetViewMatrix
const cMatrixf& GetMatrix
const cMatrixf& GetProjectionMatrix
const cMatrixf& GetMoveMatrix


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hpl3/community/scripting/classes/ccamera.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/23 08:23 by abion47