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Helper functions to control effects

int Effect_Shake_Start(float afAmount,
                       float afTime,
                       float afFadeInTime,
                       float afFadeOutTime,
                       const cVector3f &in avDirAmount=cVector3f(1, 1, 1),
                       float afFrequency=0)

Makes the screen shake for a certain amount of time. Returns id to the current shaking. If several calls to shake has been made the largest one is used.

  • afAmount: The strength of the shake.
  • afTime: The time it shakes at full intensity (fade in and fade out are added to this).
  • afFadeInTime: The time before it reaches full strenght.
  • afFadeOutTime: The time, after afTime is up, that it will take for the shake to reach zero strength.
  • avDirAmount: The amount it will shake in each direction in camera space
  • afFrequency: Times per seconds the shake will change offset. 0=every update (ie max).

void Effect_Shake_FadeOut(int alID,
                          float afFadeOutTime)

Fades out one or all shake instances.

  • alID: The id of the shake (returned by Effect_Shake_Start). -1 = fade out all active shakes.
  • afFadeOutTime: the time it takes to fade out.

void Effect_Shake_SetSourceEntity(int alID,
                                  const tString &in asSourceEntity,
                                  float afMinDist,
                                  float afMaxDist,
                                  eEasing aEasingType=eEasing_CubicIn)

Sets an entity as the source of a shake instance. The shake instance will increase in strength as the player gets closer to the entity.

  • alID: The id of the shake (returned by Effect_Shake_Start).
  • asSourceEntity: entity to be used as source.
  • afMinDist: distance to entity where the shake will be at its most powerful.
  • afMaxDist: distance where shake will have faded out completely.
  • aEasingType: the curve the strength of the shake will follow as you move further from the entity.

float Effect_Shake_GetCurrentShakeAmount()

Gets the current amount of shake (as in abs larges element in shake vector)

void Effect_Shake_EnableAll(bool abState)

void Effect_VideoDistortion_EnableAll(bool abState)

void Effect_Fade_In(float afTime)

void Effect_Fade_Out(float afTime)

bool Effect_Fade_IsFading()

float Effect_Fade_GetAlpha()

void Effect_Glow_AddEntity(iLuxEntity @apEntity,
                           float afAlpha,
                           float afY)

Adds a glow effect to the object to make it more visible to the player Must be called from OnPostUpdate() every frame the glow should be visible

  • apEntity: entity to glow
  • afAlpha: how much it should glow, [0, 1]
  • afY: The position of the the glow.

void Effect_Bloom_SetActive(bool abX)

Sets if bloom should be active Bloom is an effect that makes bright colors glow in a halo around the object

  • abX: if bloom should be active

void Effect_Bloom_FadeBrightPass(float afBrightPass,
                                 float afTime)

Changes the bright pass of the bloom over time

  • afBrightPass: how bright a color has to be to be able to bloom, this should be a values between 0-1
  • afTime: time to fade

void Effect_Bloom_FadeBloomWidth(float afBloomWidth,
                                 float afTime)

Changes the width of the bloom over time

  • afBloomWidth: the width in pixels of the bloom halo, works best with a value between 32-512 pixels
  • afTime: time to fade

void Effect_Bloom_FadeBloomFalloff(float afBloomFalloff,
                                   float afTime)

Changes the sharpness of the bloom over time

  • afBloomFalloff: how sharp the bloom should be, higher = sharper, 0.5 default
  • afTime: time to fade

void Effect_Bloom_FadeBloomTint(float afR,
                                float afG,
                                float afB,
                                float afTime)

Changes the color of the bloom over time

  • (afR: the color to tint the bloom in
  • afTime: time to fade

void Effect_FilmGrain_SetActive(bool abX)

Sets if film grain should be active Film Grain is an effect that applies animated noise to the image to remove banding and give life to it

  • abX: if film grain should be active

void Effect_FilmGrain_FadeFilmGrainIntensity(float afIntensity,
                                             float afTime)

Changes the amount of noise applied to the screen over time

  • afIntensity: the amount of noise applied to the screen
  • afTime: time to fade in

int Effect_DoF_Start(float afFocusStart,
                     float afFocusEnd,
                     float afFalloff,
                     float afTime)

Starts an instance of depth of field and returns the id

  • afFocusStart: near plane of the instance
  • afFocusEnd: far plane of the instance
  • afFalloff: how smooth the transition from sharp to blurr should be
  • afTime: time to fade to this value

void Effect_DoF_FadeFocus(int alID,
                          float afFocusStart,
                          float afFocusEnd,
                          float afTime)

Fade the start and end of the focus plane

  • alID: id of the instance
  • afFocusStart: near plane of the instance
  • afFocusEnd: far plane of the instance
  • afTime: time to fade to this value

void Effect_DoF_FadeFalloff(int alID,
                            float afFocusFalloff,
                            float afTime)

Fade the falloff of the instance

  • alID: id of the instance
  • afFocusFalloff: how smooth the transition from sharp to blurr should be
  • afTime: time to fade in

void Effect_DoF_FadeOut(int alID,
                        float afTime)

Fade out the instance of depth of field, the instance is removed after fading out

  • alID: id of the instance
  • afTime: time to fade out

void Effect_DoF_Reset()

void Effect_ToneMapping_UseSRGB(bool abX)

If srgb gamma should be used. Default is normal pow(x, 1 / gamma)

  • abX: If srgb gamma correction should be used

void Effect_ToneMapping_FadeExposure(float afExposure,
                                     float afTime)

Changes the overall brightness of the image over time

  • afExposure: how much extra light should be let though the lens, 0 is default
  • afTime: time to fade in

float Effect_ToneMapping_GetExposure()

Get the current exposure value of the viewport

Returns: , current exposure

float Effect_ToneMapping_GetExposureBrightness()

Get the current exposure value of the viewport

Returns: , current brightness

void Effect_ToneMapping_FadeWhiteCut(float afWhiteCut,
                                     float afTime)

Changes the white point of the tone mapper over time Every color brighter then the white cut gets clamped to (1,1,1)

  • afWhiteCut: the value of the white cut, every brighter color get set to white
  • afTime: time to fade in

void Effect_ToneMapping_FadeGrading(tString asTextureName,
                                    float afTime)

Fades in a grading texture which changes the final color of the image

  • asTextureName: name of the grading texture
  • afTime: time to fade in

int Effect_ImageTrail_Start(float afAmount,
                            float afFadeInTime,
                            float afStayTime,
                            float afFadeOutTime)

Image trail blends the image of multiple previous frames over time, multiple instances can be active at the same time The strongest instance of image trail will be used

  • afAmount: how much of the previous frame should be blended, values from 0-inf, 0 = disabled
  • afFadeInTime: how long it should take to fade to fade in
  • afStayTime: how long it will stay before starting to fade out. If <0, then it stays for ever.
  • afFadeOutTime: how long it will take to fade out

Returns: the id to this image trail instance

void Effect_ImageTrail_SetDirectAmount(float afAmount)

Image trail blends the image of multiple previous frames over time. (in case Effect_ImageTrail_Start has also been used, the strongest instance of image trail will be used

  • afAmount: how much of the previous frame should be blended, values from 0-inf, 0 = disabled

void Effect_ImageTrail_FadeOut(int alID,
                               float afFadeOutTime)

Fades out an active instance of image trail

  • alID: id of the trail instance, returned by _Start
  • afFadeOutTime: how long it will take to fade out

void Effect_ImageTrail_Clear()

Clears all effects

void Effect_ChromaticAberration_StartAnim(float afDuration,
                                          float afAmount,
                                          float afRandomness,
                                          cVector2f avDirection)

Split the image into three images depending on color and makes rotation animation.

  • afDuration: how long the effect should be active for, multiple instances can be active at the same time
  • afAmount: how far the split should go in screen space, values between 0-0.2 look good
  • afRandomness: the randomness of the splitting, if it should sway when splitting up and going back down, values larger than 1.0 will cause full rotation
  • avDirection: an additional direction that the screen should move in when splitting, 0 = random

void Effect_ChromaticAberration_SetDirect(float afAmount,
                                          float afRotation,
                                          float afHue=0,
                                          const cVector2f &in avOffset=cVector2f(0))

Split the image into three images depending on color

  • afAmount: The amount of the effect (how much seperation basically). Measured in part of screen. 0 - 0.2 looks good.
  • afRotation: The rotation of the diffferent splits. 0 - 360
  • afHue: Which use to split into, there is always a 120 seperation between each split, this sets. where to make these splits. 0 - 360
  • avOffset: An extra offset.

int Effect_ChromaticAberration_CreateInstance(float afAmount,
                                              float afRotation,
                                              float afHue=0,
                                              const cVector2f &in avOffset=cVector2f(0))

void Effect_ChromaticAberration_SetInstanceValues(int alID,
                                                  float afAmount,
                                                  float afRotation,
                                                  float afHue=0,
                                                  const cVector2f &in avOffset=cVector2f_Zero)

void Effect_ChromaticAberration_DestroyInstance(int alID)

void Effect_Flash_Start(float afFadeIn,
                        float afWhite,
                        float afFadeOut)

Fades exposure in and out to create a white flash effect.

  • afFadeIn: time to fade in.
  • afWhite: time to remain at the max exposure.
  • afFadeOut: time to fade out.

int Effect_Screen_Start(const tString &in asMaterial,
                        cVector2f avPosition,
                        cVector2f avSize)

Creates a images that shows up on the screen, it must be faded manually Remember that these must work on both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio

  • asMaterial: material to use
  • avPosition: position on the screen, values between [0,1]
  • avSize: size of the texture

Returns: the id to this screen material

int Effect_Screen_Start(const tString &in asMaterial,
                        cVector2f avPosition,
                        cVector2f avSize,
                        float afTargetAlpha,
                        float afFadeInTime,
                        float afStayTime,
                        float afFadeOutTime)

Creates a images that fade in and then out Remember that these must work on both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio

  • asMaterial: material to use
  • avPosition: position on the screen, values between [0,1]
  • avSize: size of the texture
  • afTargetAlpha: alpha it should stop fading at
  • afFadeInTime: how fast it should fade in
  • afStayTime: how long it should stay after fading in
  • afFadeOutTime: how fast it should fade out again

Returns: the id to this screen material

void Effect_Screen_FadeOut(int alID,
                           float afFadeTime)

Fades out a material

  • alID: id of the screen material
  • afFadeTime: time to fade out over

void Effect_Screen_FadeLiquidAmount(int alID,
                                    float afAmount,
                                    float afFadeTime)

Fades the liquid amount of a material, this is a variable used by the shader to determine wetness

  • alID: id of the screen material
  • afAmount: liquid amount, value between [0,1]
  • afFadeTime: time to fade over

void Effect_Screen_FadeAlpha(int alID,
                             float afAlpha,
                             float afFadeTime)

Fades the transparency of a material

  • alID: id of the screen material
  • afAlpha: transparency of the material value between [0,1]
  • afFadeTime: time to fade over

void Effect_RadialBlur_SetDirect(float afSize,
                                 float afStartDistance,
                                 float afAlpha)

Directly sets the values of radial blur (but will blend with any instnace that has been started)

  • afSize: size of the blur, screen size, looks good 0.01-0.1
  • afStartDistance: how far away from the center the blur should start
  • afAlpha: how visible the blur is

int Effect_RadialBlur_Start(float afSize,
                            float afAlpha,
                            float afStartDistance,
                            float afTime)

Starts a radial blur effect, will be active until

  • afSize: size of the blur, screen size, looks good 0.01-0.1
  • afAlpha: how visible the blur is
  • afStartDistance: how far away from the center the blur should start
  • afTime: time to fade in

Returns: the id to this radial blur instance

void Effect_RadialBlur_FadeSize(int alID,
                                float afSize,
                                float afTime)

Changes the size of the blur of this instance

  • alID: id to the instance to change
  • afSize: size of the blur
  • afTime: fade time of the blur

void Effect_RadialBlur_FadeStartDistance(int alID,
                                         float afDistance,
                                         float afTime)

Changes how far away from the center to start blurring

  • alID: id to the instance to change
  • afDistance: distance from center [0-1]
  • afTime: fade time

void Effect_RadialBlur_FadeAlpha(int alID,
                                 float afAlpha,
                                 float afTime)

Changes how visible the instance should be

  • alID: id to the instance to change
  • afAlpha: how visible it should be [0-1]
  • afTime: fade time

void Effect_RadialBlur_FadeOut(int alID,
                               float afTime)

Fades out this instance and removes it. The ID is invalid after this has been called

  • alID: id to the instance to fade out
  • afTime: fade time

void Effect_ImageFadeFX_SetAmount(float afX)

void Effect_ImageFadeFX_FadeAmount(float afAmount,
                                   float afTime)

void Effect_ImageFadeFX_SetTextures(const tString &in asFadeTexture,
                                    const tString &in asColorTexture,
                                    const tString &in asOffsetTexture)

void Effect_VideoDistortion_SetDirectAmount(float afX)

Sets the amount of video distortion directly. (if there are instances in play, then the max amount will be used)

  • afX: The amount of the effect, 0 - 1 are valid values. (0 turns off)

int Effect_VideoDistortion_Start(float afAmount,
                                 float afTime,
                                 float afFadeInTime,
                                 float afFadeOutTime,
                                 float afVolume=1.0f)

Starts the video distortion effect. If many have been started the max amount is used. Returns ID to this instnace.

  • afAmount: The amount of effect, 0 - 1 are valid values. (0 turns off)
  • afTime: The length the effect (after fade in) the effect should last. -1 means it lasts forever.
  • afFadeInTime: The time it takes for the effect to fade in.
  • afFadeOutTime: The time it takes for the effect to fade out.
  • afVolume: Volume of gui sound (will override previous instances. Only one sound at a time)

void Effect_VideoDistortion_FadeOut(int alID,
                                    float afFadeOutTime)

Fades out a video distortion effect instance.

  • alID: id to the instance to fade out. If -1, all instances will be faded.
  • afFadeOutTime: The time it takes for the effect to fade out.

void Effect_VideoDistortion_SetMaxAmount(int alID,
                                         float afMaxAmount)

Sets the max amount of an instnace (basically changes the amount)

  • alID: id to the instance to fade out
  • afMaxAmount: The new max amount to be used, 0 -1 are valid values.

float Effect_VideoDistortion_GetAmount()

Get the current amount of the distortion

float Effect_VideoDistortion_GetEffectAmount()

Get the current effect amount of the distortion (the one that is sent to the post effect)

void Effect_VideoDistortion_SetSoundEffectsDisabled(bool abX)

Set if video distortion sounds should be disabled.

void Effect_TimeGlitch_Start(float afTimeAdvancement,
                             float afPlayFastSoundTime,
                             float afShakeAmount,
                             bool abPlayEffectSound,
                             float afSoundEffectVolume=1.0f)

Starts an effect that makes physics and visual jump forward in time.

  • afTimeAdvancement: The amount of time physics and visuals should advance.
  • afPlayFastSoundTime: How long the sounds should run sped up. (sound freq depends on the time advancement + this time)
  • afShakeAmount: How much the screen should shake.
  • abPlayEffectSound: If an effect sound should play.
  • afSoundEffectVolume: Volume of the sound being played.

void Effect_Sway_FadeIn(float afSize,
                        float afTime,
                        float afRate,
                        float afAngle,
                        float afInitialAmount=-1.0f,
                        float afYMul=0.25f,
                        float afDecay=0.995f,
                        float afMoveFactor=0.4f)
  • afSize: max X size of sway
  • afTime: fade in time
  • afRate: how many sways per second
  • afAngle: sway will be around a line on XZ plane - this sets the y-axis rotation of it (degrees : 0 = along X axis)
  • afInitialAmount: how big is the initial sway size? (0.0f - 1.0f) If negative, has no effect.
  • afYMul: multiplier of afSwaySize for y
  • afDecay: how fast the swaying dies away (1.0f = never dies)
  • afMoveFactor: how much of the player's move speed to factor in

void Effect_Sway_SetDirect(float afSize,
                           float afRate,
                           float afAngle,
                           float afInitialAmount=-1.0f,
                           float afYMul=0.25f,
                           float afDecay=0.995f,
                           float afMoveFactor=0.4f)
  • afSize: max X size of sway
  • afRate: how many sways per second
  • afAngle: sway will be around a line on XZ plane - this sets the y-axis rotation of it (degrees : 0 = along X axis)
  • afInitialAmount: how big is the initial sway size? (0.0f - 1.0f). If negative, has no effect.
  • afYMul: multiplier of afSwaySize for y
  • afDecay: how fast the swaying dies away (1.0f = never dies)
  • afMoveFactor: how much of the player's move speed to factor in

void Effect_Sway_FadeOut(float afTime)
  • afTime: How long it takes to fade out.

void Effect_Sway_Stop()

cVector3f Effect_Sway_GetOffset()

int Effect_Rumble_Start(float afAmount,
                        float afTime,
                        float afFadeInTime=0,
                        float afFadeOutTime=0)

Start a gamepad rumble

int Effect_GamepadColor_Fade(cColor aColor,
                             float afTime)

Fade the gamepad color (the backlight of the ps4 controller)

void Effect_Rumble_Stop(int alID)

Stops the rumble from this id

void Effect_Rumble_SetScreenShakeMul(float afX)

Sets a multiplier for how much rumble should be generated from screenshake.

  • afX: multiplier to set. 1 is default.

void Effect_GamepadColor_Stop(int alID)

Stops the color fade from this id

hpl3/game/scripting/function_reference/helper_effects.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/29 09:27 by luis