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How To Create Detailed Ceilings

Whenever we play games, SOMA for example, we are almost always forced to look at the floor and all of the dirty footprints left by nasty scientists and engineers. But, if you tilt your head upwards you will find a world of amazement (if you're lucky). In this tutorial we will tilt our heads up like Michelangelo in the Sistine chapel and look at how to make an interesting ceiling for all those pathetic pedantics (who we are). Why? Because there is nothing more boring than a flat plane above your head. Look up right now, I'll wait. What did you see? A flat plane, send in the clowns we need entertainment. After 5 years in the F G modding community I have come across many flat planed ceilings, some of which I've made myself. Just look at this:

Ugh, snoozorama. This one however:

What a masterpiece, look at the beams, colours and depth! Alas, don't be fooled so easily! Those are just regular large models made specifically for that purpose. Anyone can make a ceiling if they have it pre-packaged from CRAPEA. No no, this won't do. We need something that's not meant to be a ceiling. Ah here's one:

Just look at that, not a single flat surface. Great work me!

Anyway, let's get to the subject matter. How can you construct a fine ceiling? Before we begin, planes are acceptable in small spaces, a cupboard for example or a FIAT Punto. But they won't amaze a pedantic prick like me. Now let's begin.

Example 01:

Here we have a mundane corridor inside a research station at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean, nothing special especially that ceiling. Ugh, flat, boring, uninspiring. Let's improve it!

Example 02:

Same corridor, slight change. Notice the beams (entity:tech_ceiling_theta_03). They add a bit of depth and support, perfect for a Friday night. But the ceiling is still rather flat. We can do better.

Example 03-A:

Same corridor, massive change. Wow, what a difference, what headroom. You can wear a high hat in that corridor. Look at how much more depth you have in this one than in the first example.

Models used:

static_objects: theta_ceiling_welder.dae, theta_ground_bottom.dae, lab_ceiling_pipes.dae, lab_ceiling_box_welder_plain.dae, lab_thick_hanging_long_shallow.dae, lab_thick_hanging_long.dae

entities: tech_ceiling_theta_03.ent, ceiling_theta_large.ent

Example 03B:

You can of course remove those beams. You're a free human being after all. You don't even have to follow this flimsy sheet metal tutorial. If you construct your ceilings differently and you're satisfied with them, then go for it.

That's all for now, I'll return in the future with some other ceiling tutorials (if I'm bored enough).

P.S. Also, pipes are great for decoration, just slam those everywhere, not everywhere though, but almost everywhere. Remember: depth is key.

hpl3/community/editors/lvledit_tutorials.txt · Last modified: 2016/07/16 12:49 by thedoctorpoo