Body Material: Physics material for the body.
Mass: Mass for the body. The higher the value, the heavier the body will be. A zero value means infinite.
Angular Damping: “Air Friction” applied to the rotational speed of the body. Takes a float value between 0 (no damping) and 1 (max damping).
Linear Damping: “Air Friction” applied to the linear speed of the body. Takes a float value between 0 (no damping) and 1 (max damping).
Max Angular Speed: Maximum speed that the body can rotate with.
Max Linear Speed: Maximum speed that the body can translate with.
Buoyancy Density Mul: Multiplies the buoyancy effect on the body when inside a liquid body. A zero value means it will not be affected by liquid at all.
Blocks Sound: Sets if the body blocks sounds.
Continuous Collision: If the body should use continuous collison detection or not. This is good for small bodies (or larger bodies that has one or many small colliders) that would easily stick or tunnel other bodies. It is also good for high speed bodies.
Can attach character: If a character standing on the body will be attached. For example if you have a moving platform and want the character to move with it as it moves.
Pushed by character gravity: If the body will be affected when a characters stands on top.
Collide character: Sets whether the body should collide with the player or not.
Collide non character: Sets whether the body should collide with non-player bodies or not.
Volatile: If a body might disappear or for some reason leave the way open for AI. Used for bodies of mass 0.
Use surface effects: If the body should use the material settings for effects (described in materials.cfg ) or not. If this is false there will not be sounds or particle effects created by impacts, scraping etc.
Has gravity: Sets whether gravity affects the body or not.