Static Objects are one of the pillars of level building in the LevelEditor. An actual complete map file share in static objects is around 80%. A proper set of pieces will allow you to create all sorts of rooms and ambients.
General Parameters
Name: Name for the static object.
Position: 3D Vector storing the position in world.
Rotation: 3D Vector storing the rotation.
Scale: 3D Vector storing the scale of the placed object.
Mesh: file name of the mesh that conforms the static object.
Specific Parameters
Cast Shadows: if enabled, the object will cast shadows when illuminated by a properly set light.
Collides: if enabled, the object will keep entities to get through it ingame.
hpl3/tools/maineditors/level_editor/static_objects.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/07 15:53 by luis