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cLightBox has no public fields.


Return Type Function Name Parameters Description
eEntityType GetEntityType
int GetUniqueID
void UpdateLogic float afTimeStep
const tString& GetName const
void SetName const tString &in asName
bool HasParent
bool IsActive const
void SetActive bool abActive
cVector3f GetLocalPosition
cMatrixf& GetLocalMatrix
cVector3f GetWorldPosition
cMatrixf& GetWorldMatrix
void SetPosition const cVector3f &in avPos
void SetMatrix const cMatrixf &in a_mtxTransform
void SetWorldPosition const cVector3f &in avWorldPos
void SetWorldMatrix const cMatrixf &in a_mtxWorldTransform
int GetTransformUpdateCount
cBoundingVolume@+ GetBoundingVolume
bool GetScriptableIsSaved
void SetScriptableIsSaved bool abX
void AddChild iEntity3D@ apEntity
void RemoveChild iEntity3D@ apEntity
bool IsChild iEntity3D@ apEntity
iEntity3D@ GetEntityParent
cEntity3DIterator@ GetChildIterator
const tString& GetRenderName
cMaterial@ GetMaterial
iVertexBuffer@ GetVertexBuffer
bool CollidesWithBV cBoundingVolume@+ apBV
bool CollidesWithFrustum cFrustum@ apFrustum
cBoundingVolume@+ GetRenderBV
cVector3f GetWorldCenterPosition
eRenderableType GetRenderType
void SetRenderFlagBit int alFlagBit,
bool abSet
bool GetRenderFlagBit int alFlagBit
int GetRenderFlags const
bool IsStatic
bool IsOccluder
bool IsVisible
void SetVisible bool abVisible
bool GetVisibleVar
void SetIlluminationColor const cColor &in aColor
const cColor& GetIlluminationColor const
void SetCoverageAmount float afX
float GetCoverageAmount const
int GetMatrixUpdateCount
int GetRenderFrameCount const
void SetRenderFrameCount int alCount
void UseAutomaticLiquidAmount float 0
void SetLiquidAmount float afX
float GetLiquidAmount const
eLightType GetLightType
void SetGoboTexture iTexture@ apTexture
iTexture@ GetGoboTexture
void SetGoboAnimMode eTextureAnimMode aMode
eTextureAnimMode GetGoboAnimMode
void SetGoboAnimFrameTime float afX
float GetGoboAnimFrameTime
void SetGoboAnimStartTime float afX
float GetGoboAnimStartTime
int GetGoboNextFrame
void SetMask cLightMaskBox@ apMask
cLightMaskBox@ GetMask
void AttachBillboard cBillboard@ apBillboard,
const cColor& aBaseColor,
float afBaseBrightness
void RemoveBillboard cBillboard@ apBillboard
void AttachParticleSystem cParticleSystem@ apPS
void RemoveParticleSystem cParticleSystem@ apPS
void FadeTo const cColor &in aCol,
float afRadius,
float afTime
void StopFading
bool IsFading
const cColor& GetDestColor
float GetDestRadius
void SetFlickerActive bool abX
bool GetFlickerActive
void SetFlicker const cColor &in aOffCol,
float afOffRadius,
float afOnMinLength,
float afOnMaxLength,
const tString& asOnSound,
const tString& asOnPS,
float afOffMinLength,
float afOffMaxLength,
const tString& asOffSound,
const tString& asOffPS,
bool abFade,
float afOnFadeMinLength,
float afOnFadeMaxLength,
float afOffFadeMinLength,
float afOffFadeMaxLength
const tString& GetFlickerOffSound
const tString& GetFlickerOnSound
const tString& GetFlickerOffPS
const tString& GetFlickerOnPS
float GetFlickerOnMinLength
float GetFlickerOffMinLength
float GetFlickerOnMaxLength
float GetFlickerOffMaxLength
const cColor& GetFlickerOffColor
float GetFlickerOffRadius
bool GetFlickerFade
float GetFlickerOnFadeMinLength
float GetFlickerOnFadeMaxLength
float GetFlickerOffFadeMinLength
float GetFlickerOffFadeMaxLength
const cColor& GetFlickerOnColor
float GetFlickerOnRadius
const cColor& GetDiffuseColor
void SetDiffuseColor const cColor &in aColor
const cColor& GetDefaultDiffuseColor
void SetDefaultDiffuseColor const cColor &in aColor
const cColor& GetSpecularColor
void SetSpecularColor cColor aColor
bool GetCastShadows
void SetCastShadows bool afX
int GetShadowCastersAffected
void SetShadowCastersAffected int alX
eShadowMapResolution GetShadowMapResolution const
void SetShadowMapResolution eShadowMapResolution aQuality
float GetShadowMapBlurAmount const
void SetShadowMapBlurAmount float afX
bool GetOcclusionCullShadowCasters const
void SetOcclusionCullShadowCasters bool abX
float GetShadowMapBiasMul
float GetShadowMapSlopeScaleBiasMul
void SetShadowMapBiasMul float afX
void SetShadowMapSlopeScaleBiasMul float afX
void SetRadius float afX
float GetRadius
void SetFalloffPow float afX
float GetFalloffPow
float GetSourceRadius
void SetSourceRadius float afX
void SetBrightness float afX
float GetBrightness
void SetCastTerrainShadow bool abX
bool GetCastTerrainShadow
float GetTranslucency
void SetTranslucency float afX
void SetSize const cVector3f &in avSize
const cVector3f& GetSize
void SetBlendFunc eLightBoxBlendFunc aFunc
eLightBoxBlendFunc GetBlendFunc
void SetAmbientColorSky const cColor& aColor
void SetAmbientColorGround const cColor& aColor
const cColor& GetAmbientColorSky
const cColor& GetAmbientColorGround
void SetWeight float afX
float GetWeight
void SetBevel float afX
float GetBevel
void SetUseSphericalHarmonics bool abX
bool GetUseSphericalHarmonics
void SetProbeOffset const cVector3f &in avPosition
const cVector3f& GetProbeOffset
void FadeIrradianceSet const tString &in asSetName,
float afTime


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hpl3/community/scripting/classes/clightbox.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/05 12:09 by abion47